Question is it possible

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New member
Firstly, i'ld like to tell you that i have license of your plugin. M

ore precisely, i'm a tech admin of forum that use your addon. Link on forum:
Yes, that russian FRPG forum.
I can confirm that i'm a tech admin someway, if it will be a necessary.
Secondly, we need some help with youre addon. Our project ready to pay for it.

1) You have a greate function "User has purchased the following item", but it discard item from shop before that user will buy it. We just want to block buy function for unavailable items and make grey backroung for that items.
2) We really need bbcode in title of items.

You can offer any price for that order. We just really need it.

And i want to say sorry, because my English is very poor. I hope you understood me, and i explained you what we really want.

And i forgot.
It will be greate if appear a function, that can display all wasted currency.
Something like it:
Enter username

Wasted: 10 $
On hand: 5 $
There are currently no licenses assigned to that website. Please tell the owner of the license to update their license information to correctly reflect the domain the license is used on.
Thanks for answer. I took that important information to admin. I'll contact with you later when we solved that problem. Honestly, I hope that was a some kind of mistake, 'cause all our administration donated for site...
There are currently no licenses assigned to that website. Please tell the owner of the license to update their license information to correctly reflect the domain the license is used on.
The problem had been solved. The product was registred on old domain:
Currently, the general domain and domain of lic should be:
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