Question Is there a way to limit credits by user group?

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Hey maybe a silly question but I wanted to check: I do not allow 'staff' members to earn credits to utilize in various site things because it's only for site users. However, I would like to allow staff members to earn their own type of credit for use in say our site raffles that are only for the team.

Is there a way to allow a usergroup access to trigger an event to one type of credit and not others? Right now I have all team members set to NEVER trigger events because otherwise they'd get credit rewards we don't want them to have.

Thanks for the help! Stay safe and well everyone
For events that support user group selection (which is most of them IIRC), you can select every user group except your staff group for all events for Currency A, and only your staff group for all events for Currency B.
For events that support user group selection (which is most of them IIRC), you can select every user group except your staff group for all events for Currency A, and only your staff group for all events for Currency B.

Hey, so I was taking a look... would that cause a problem with the standard 'registered' user group since every team member is also 'registered' as well as having their staff user group? Taking a look over those events, again, I remember that is why I set team members to never trigger events, because they would trigger things like daily log in because it impacts registered users which they are by default.

Is there a current work around or something I am missing? If not, is it possible that perhaps a "user group not included" could be part of a future update for events?
I do plan on making per-event user group permissions, though some amount of planning and testing would be required to ensure it works with all scenarios.

I might need to introduce a new user group permission, something like "Receive events triggered by others" so I can fully replace the user group multi-select in the event box with this system.
Its that darn registered that messes it up because everyone is going to have that groups so trying to separate out credits for members and a different credit system, structure and trigger for say staff -- or even different types of users becomes complicated if not impossible.

Although the ability to have that type of separation is awesome.

Whatever you do, make or upgrade I am sure will kick serious ass! :)
Hello @chernabog,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
Hello @chernabog,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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