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New member
Hey guys.
Trying some tricks with creating new achievements for Triple Triad. Particularly, I'm making a plugin that will give you an award if you have a certain card in your inventory. Here is a snapshot of the database table where it looks:


What i'd like to know is if you guys could help me identify what the bold blue header texts represent? I know that p_card is the 'players card' they own. It matches the CID (card Id) in the snapshot below of the card shop's inventory. P_userid is obviously the vbulletin user's id number. I'm the admin, so i am #1.

Now, I'm assuming that P_used is the number of times you've used that particular card in a game, correct? So, what exactly does the p_quanity and the PID mean? If i were to guess on p_quanity, it looks like the number of cards you have of that particular card. Like having a bunch of duplicates.


If you could help me here, i would gladly give you the plugin when i'm through to enhance your achievements list.

Thank you very much. :)
The bolded blue text are the column titles, so say you had an array that held card ID 192:
$card['c_title'] would contain the text "Red Bat".
thank you Fillip H., but is P_used the number of times you've used that particular card in a game? and is P_quanity the amount of each particular card you have?
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