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at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon.feed.webp

  1. Statusupdate from forumhome.
    I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to the livewall.php to see the other ststus updates. OK the counter doesn't work but this is a small problem i think. :D
  2. A little preview at the block would be nice. So the user can see other status updates.
  3. Are there plany for a vbcms widget?

Is that possilbe?

Regards Markus
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1 and 2 will be coming in the next version :)

CMS block is on the list as a Pro-only feature, however I'm holding off on it as long as Cosmic will let me because I don't like coding for the CMS :p
Please do not hijack others' suggestion threads, your post won't be noticed when we're reviewing this suggestion :)
We don't provide estimates, sorry :(

Additionally, the CMS is not only much more difficult to code for than the rest of vBulletin, it's only applicable to a subset of our total customer base.

* vB5
* vB4 Suite
* vB4 Forum Only
* vB3

Out of these groups, only the italicised group would actually benefit from this feature. All other groups would see the implementation of this feature as a complete waste of time.

When we weigh up new features to be added, we will always go for features that cater to the majority of our customers before considering niche features that only apply to a small subset of our customers.

For instance, permalinks / notifications for new comments posted is a very frequently requested feature as well. This benefits 100% of our Live Wall customers, not just however many has the vB4 Suite.

I'm not trying to sound like this will never get added, but I want you to understand why we haven't jumped on implementing this feature :)
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Legacy Forum Live Feed & User Wall

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DragonByte Technologies
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