Looking to move to vBulletin from SMF

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New member
I am currently looking to migrate from SMF to vBulletin. Your shoutbox (and other mods) have come highly recommended from a friend.

That being said, I am not completely familiar with all of the vB products yet. I am hoping that there is a way to use the shoutbox from within the vB mobile suite. We are trying to find a shoutbox that users can use on there phones, computers or tablets universally.

Please let me know if this is a possibility.
Thanks for the quick answer!! Any chance this will be something that is developed in the future? If not, what other solutions could you recommend?

This is something that has been requested to add. http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f46/shoutbox-mobile-style-10398/
They typically do not give ETA's but rest assured they do take all feature requests seriously and try to add them in future releases against certain internal considerations.
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