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Just found a problem with the arcade big problem the importer has no temp file in it...just stuck a file in it named temp and gave it 0777
This did happen on a second site I installed arcade on too, when it happened to me it was on v18

Dw said:

the temp folder is not created; its part of the upload hierarchy when you install.

did the error go away when you restored that folder?

okay then not a bug :) maybe your ftp skips empty directories?

But it installed fine on my first site, so maybe now with someone else having this issue maybe he can find something out.

EDIT: Upon looking in the upload folder in, dbtech\vbarcade\import their is no temp folder in v18 and v19, so hence the errors upon new installs with those 2 versions
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you know what, that might actually be a bug in vbecommerce delivering the downloads to you guys, since the temp folder is definitely there in what ive been uploading (but its empty)
it probably is, but hes assuming i will stick a blank index.html file into every empty directory, i just dont think the temp one needs it (especially because it is routinely cleared/scanned by the script and it would be a pain to code around it).
besides, adding it in if it is missing also gives me the opportunity to automatically make sure it is writable as well.
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