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We recently noticed the "Last 24 Hours" section is missing after installing the theme. Its found at the bottom of the Forums menu. Any thoughts on where I might get it back?
Thank you,
Everything seems to be in order, could you explain more? Where the link should be and which section it should go to.

Hi Scott,
The "Last 24 Hours" section is a common feature to vBulletin found by the footer of the forums menu in the "Whats going on?" widget. Here is an example of a default vBulletin install(with only a minor skin) that has it:

But we are missing it as you can see here:

It happened after the install of the skin. I'm not sure how to get this back. Let me know.
Thank you,
Ahh your running vB 4.2 so it's stock. I see that info is missing from the templates so I can show you how to add it.

ACP / Styles & Templates / Style Manager - Dragonbyte MMO / Edit Templates, double click on Forum Home Templates, then double click on FORUMHOME

Find this bit of code:

			{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_wgo_pos2}

And after that add this:

			<!-- Start Members Today -->
			<vb:if condition="$show['wgo_members']">
			<div id="wgo_wgo_members_users" class="wgo_subblock section collapse">
				<h3 class="blocksubhead"><a href="{vb:raw wgo_members.url}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:phrase wgo_members_alt_title}"/></a>{vb:raw wgo_members.whotitle}</h3>
				<a class="collapse" id="collapse_wgo_members_list" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b{vb:raw wgo_members.collapse}.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase collapse_expand}" /></a>
				<div id="wgo_members_list" {vb:raw}>
					<p>{vb:raw wgo_members.visitors}</p>
					<vb:if condition="$vboptions['wgo_members_names']">
						<vb:if condition="$wgo_members['totaltoday'] == 0">
							{vb:phrase no_members_list} 
						<vb:else />
							<ul class="commalist" id="wgo_wgo_members_list">
								<vb:if condition="$wgo_members['template_hook']">
									{vb:raw wgo_members.template_hook}
								<vb:else />
									<vb:each from="wgo_members_list" value="row">
										<li>{vb:stylevar dirmark}<a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}" title="{vb:raw row.wrdate}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.markinv}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>
					<vb:else />
						{vb:phrase member_list_disabled} 
			<!-- End Members Today -->

Then click on Save, it should then show up in your WGO section again.
Ahh your running vB 4.2 so it's stock. I see that info is missing from the templates so I can show you how to add it.

ACP / Styles & Templates / Style Manager - Dragonbyte MMO / Edit Templates, double click on Forum Home Templates, then double click on FORUMHOME

Find this bit of code:

			{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_wgo_pos2}

And after that add this:

			<!-- Start Members Today -->
			<vb:if condition="$show['wgo_members']">
			<div id="wgo_wgo_members_users" class="wgo_subblock section collapse">
				<h3 class="blocksubhead"><a href="{vb:raw wgo_members.url}"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:phrase wgo_members_alt_title}"/></a>{vb:raw wgo_members.whotitle}</h3>
				<a class="collapse" id="collapse_wgo_members_list" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b{vb:raw wgo_members.collapse}.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase collapse_expand}" /></a>
				<div id="wgo_members_list" {vb:raw}>
					<p>{vb:raw wgo_members.visitors}</p>
					<vb:if condition="$vboptions['wgo_members_names']">
						<vb:if condition="$wgo_members['totaltoday'] == 0">
							{vb:phrase no_members_list} 
						<vb:else />
							<ul class="commalist" id="wgo_wgo_members_list">
								<vb:if condition="$wgo_members['template_hook']">
									{vb:raw wgo_members.template_hook}
								<vb:else />
									<vb:each from="wgo_members_list" value="row">
										<li>{vb:stylevar dirmark}<a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}" title="{vb:raw row.wrdate}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.markinv}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>
					<vb:else />
						{vb:phrase member_list_disabled} 
			<!-- End Members Today -->

Then click on Save, it should then show up in your WGO section again.
Perfect Ozzy! You're aces in my book. :) Thank you
Sorry for the late reply guys, i have been away with a bad throat infection and only just got back :)

Will be added to the update for the theme :)
Not a problem, I am sure Scott will add it in the next update he does of the style.
Hi Ozzy,
Is there also a legend that is supposed to be there too?

Something that lists Admin, Mod, User. ect.

Our users are saying it used to be there, and trying to send us mods/plugins for some... However we never installed any mods/plugins for it. So it must be there by default?

Do you have the process to put this back in?
Thank you,
The only part of the "Whats Going On" that was removed, was the icon legend i believe. So it should show if it's not an add-on.
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