Would like a feature added whereby the membership could moderate themselves, like a Mob Rule.
Allow us to Annotate (1) button type, whereby if a member(s) post received X dislikes within a 24 hour period, it would automatically suspend their account for X hours.
To prevent member abuse of the ban button, a member would only have this,"Ban Button" available to use 1 time per 24 hour period.
This would prevent them running around the forum hitting a ban button on people they did not like.
Allow us to Annotate (1) button type, whereby if a member(s) post received X dislikes within a 24 hour period, it would automatically suspend their account for X hours.
To prevent member abuse of the ban button, a member would only have this,"Ban Button" available to use 1 time per 24 hour period.
This would prevent them running around the forum hitting a ban button on people they did not like.