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When I want to change a mood I get the prompt to choose "Blue", but nothing happens when clicking on Blue... I see javascript:// on mouseover. No amount of clicking makes it actually choose Blue though - doesn't respond. I don't have any addons that mess with JS or anything of the like installed.

Also, the "Status Updates" panel doesn't disappear off forumhome or the profile when the mod is deactivated.

Could you upload the attached file to /dbtech/status/clientscript/!


P.S You may need to clear your browser's cache after uploading!

Let me know if that works


Nope... with that one the icons for editing either moods or status don't show up at all. So I can't even try edit anything.

Also, not sure if this is a known bug or limitation, but when using quick reply to respond (or even just editing a post), the status/mood selection doesn't show up in the postbit. This is reproducible right here on the DBT board as well.
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Thanks, I posted about this on .org initially but then moved it here as I expect he's more likely to look here.
Also, not sure if this is a known bug or limitation, but when using quick reply to respond (or even just editing a post), the status/mood selection doesn't show up in the postbit. This is reproducible right here on the DBT board as well.

That is intended behavior, once you refresh the page it will show up, as posting quick reply does not refresh the page.
I know it doesn't refresh, not sure if I'd call it intended behaviour though... by far the majority of users use quick reply 99% of the time and I'm sure it wouldn't occur to many to refresh the page to get the moods functionality. It's counter-intuitive and clunky. Since everything else is editable via Ajax I don't see why this wouldn't be, but maybe I'm missing something...
David - can you drop a post if you'll be able to look at this anytime soon? I'd buy your images if I could actually get the mod to work...
He will look into this when he gets a chance, he is not online now, and has not been on yet today.
Q: What is the DBTech policy on support issues?

A: Support is provided on an as-available basis

Less formal answer:
Paying customers will always be looked at first when it comes to support. If we are unable to diagnose an issue via the forum, our support agents will visit your site to try to diagnose the issue there. They may require ACP and/or FTP access for this. If you fail to provide this then they may be unable to assist you further.

Each modification is supported primarily by the developer responsible for coding it, this means support times can vary between products, and if you have an issue that hasn't been resolved while others have, that's probably why.

Q: What are the normal support response times?

A: There are no guaranteed response times with regards to support

Less formal answer:
Support for mods is provided primarily by the coder of the modification, so the average response time varies from product to product. With that being said we do have internal guidelines about support and response times which our coders are expected to meet:

Major Bugs/Security Risks: Fixed within 24 hours. A major bug would be one which affects the ability of your forum to function, or stops the product from functioning.

Medium Level Bugs: Fixed within 7 days. A medium level bug would be Individual features not working or performing as they should.

Low level issues: Fixed within 60 days. A low level issue would be something aesthetic (a line being a few pixels out) or a feature having a small flaw in its operation (activity bars only count 99% instead of 100) or a non-integral feature not performing as it should (a backup feature having issues with certain server configurations)

We must reiterate that while paying customers get priority support you are not paying for support. Support will be offered for users of our free mods and Lite mods as well, but this is done as and when the agents have time. They do not follow the above response time guidelines.
Yes, I've read that too... had a lot of time during the waiting. FYI, I'm a paying customer. Of vBD to boot... so. The faster I'm taken care of the more money I'll be sending your way because you've got quite a few other things I intend to buy.
Yes, I've read that too... had a lot of time during the waiting. FYI, I'm a paying customer. Of vBD to boot... so. The faster I'm taken care of the more money I'll be sending your way because you've got quite a few other things I intend to buy.

Please bear in mind that support etc for paid mods is given priority over free mods such as vBMoods - as a customer i'm sure you would agree that giving priority to issues with mods people have paid for should come before our free mods.

=P As to your other point, while i'm sure it would be profitable for us to provide your support ASAP it would also be somewhat unethical for us to do so. We treat all support issues the same regardless of whether or not it stands to make us more money. In this instance that (unfortunately) means the support time for this particular mod will be delayed until any outstanding support for the paid mods of David are taken care of ^.^

It will get seen to though, but some patience is required when it comes to free mods.


Yes, yes, I know, I'm just annoyed because I didn't expect this mod to come up with a showstopper... I've got a planned order for the introduction of new features and right now this is the wrench in the cogs.

What error are you receiving in your Developer Console (Ctrl + Shift + J in Chrome and Firefox)?
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Can you please register on the forum and I'll just make you an admin? I'd need to create a separate account anyway and I expect this won't be the last time you'll need to check in as I have a number of DBT mods installed...
I've turned the mod off since it doesn't look like it's being worked on - I just had to field a bunch of user questions about it for the last 5 days for no good reason apparently. Please turn it on only when it's being worked on until you can fix it.
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Legacy User Status & Moods

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