Hi, I asked about this at vb.org but should've come here first.
Here's a copy/paste of the posts from there to get started:
My client's reply:

Reply from Darkwaltz4 at vb.org:CBI Web said:Questions from a client who I installed this mod for:
Any suggestions?1. Infractions
I tried to set this up so that a member will lose 20 credits when I give them an infraction.
vBCredits II Deluxe > Activity Amounts Configuration > Infraction > "Charge" ticked and 20 filled in for "Amount"
However, this does not seem to be working, i.e. members are not losing 20 credits when I give them the infraction.
2. Thanks
I changed our Thanks mod settings so that when someone is given a "Thanks" they are also given reputation.
ACP > Post Thanks > Post Thanks Settings > Reputation > Set how many reputaion a user should get if he gets thanked. Set to '0' to disable - set to 1
When a member receives rep they should get credits
vBCredits II Deluxe > Activity Amounts Configuration > Amount > 2
However, this doesn't seem to result in users getting credits when they are given Thanks or Reputation directly - can you please look into that?
Darkwaltz4 said:1) What process are you using to give infractions?
2) Currently this is not integrated with the thanks systems. Also, reputation awarding only occurs during the official methods through the frontend, not direct database editing via the admin panel or as done via other addons... due to the decentralized nature of vbulletin internals, i cant detect/act upon such instances im afraid.
My client's reply:
We'd like to get this cleared up soon if we can.The standard infractions that come with in VB - I click the infractions button at the bottom of a post when I want to give a member an infraction for a particular post.1) What process are you using to give infractions?