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New member
Hi, I asked about this at but should've come here first. :) Here's a copy/paste of the posts from there to get started:

CBI Web said:
Questions from a client who I installed this mod for:

1. Infractions
I tried to set this up so that a member will lose 20 credits when I give them an infraction.

vBCredits II Deluxe > Activity Amounts Configuration > Infraction > "Charge" ticked and 20 filled in for "Amount"

However, this does not seem to be working, i.e. members are not losing 20 credits when I give them the infraction.

2. Thanks
I changed our Thanks mod settings so that when someone is given a "Thanks" they are also given reputation.

ACP > Post Thanks > Post Thanks Settings > Reputation > Set how many reputaion a user should get if he gets thanked. Set to '0' to disable - set to 1

When a member receives rep they should get credits
vBCredits II Deluxe > Activity Amounts Configuration > Amount > 2

However, this doesn't seem to result in users getting credits when they are given Thanks or Reputation directly - can you please look into that?
Any suggestions?

Reply from Darkwaltz4 at
Darkwaltz4 said:
1) What process are you using to give infractions?

2) Currently this is not integrated with the thanks systems. Also, reputation awarding only occurs during the official methods through the frontend, not direct database editing via the admin panel or as done via other addons... due to the decentralized nature of vbulletin internals, i cant detect/act upon such instances im afraid.

My client's reply:
1) What process are you using to give infractions?
The standard infractions that come with in VB - I click the infractions button at the bottom of a post when I want to give a member an infraction for a particular post.
We'd like to get this cleared up soon if we can. :)
Darkwaltz4 is the author/support agent for vBCredits, he'll get to you as soon as possible =)

Can you post a screenshot of your event configuration for the infraction action? Also, what version of vbulletin are you using?
No; vBCredits II Deluxe > Activity Amounts Configuration > Infraction
Click the show advanced options button, and take a screenshot to post here of it.
Do you have any usergroups selected to apply the event to?

According to the screenshot I don't see any highlighted.
None selected, but according the description it's not necessary? All groups would be included if none are selected, as I understand it?
Ozzy - no usergroups selected means it applies to All which is normal.

CBI - can you click show advanced options and screenshot it again? So far looks fine though
What version of vbulletin are you using? Are you using immediate transaction processing or not in the main vbcredits settings? your infraction and vbcredits event looks fine - thanks for your cooperation.

The way vbcredits works requires the user getting the infraction to log into the forum to get deducted the credits from that action. You can verify instead that they are to lose the credits by going to mass update counters and running the process pending transactions after issuing the infraction to make sure that the system deducts the credits from them immediately. Can you try doing that and letting me know what how it goes?
4.1.3 PL1, and I'm not sure about the processing, as the owner of the site did the configuring it after I installed it. I'll quote your post to him and get back to you once he responds. Thanks for your help so far!
Okay, the owner's response is:

...please don't run a mass update, I've removed some credits from members manually via the ACP and would be concerned that a mass update would give those credits back to them.

Darkwaltz4 said:
The way vbcredits works requires the user getting the infraction to log into the forum to get deducted the credits from that action
I think that might be the key to the issue. I've recently seen some members with negative credits, so it looks as if they are losing credits for those infractions. It's great that the coder replied to you and is so willing to help.
Running the maintenance > update counters > process pending transactions will only process the transactions that were going to happen anyway - not recalculate anything like that. Doing that means the users wont have to log in to process their own pending transactions in the background, and would be the way to verify that yes indeed infraction penalties are happening.
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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