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This is a really mad one.

All my members have been on at me about the images all being X's (no images).

But for me on chrome I can see them all... now I think that is cache from my browser!

I just went on to IE and had a look and there it is plain to see all images are X's

I have reloaded the cache, I have also updated the image order, but nothing is there?

Any ideas Mokonzi?

I'm not sure. What image system are you using, imagemagick? I chatted with Fillip H. about the other issue you had with thumbnails, and we hoped the latest patch might help. Are you using any caching software? Maybe Fillip might have some suggestions as he is our server guru :D

Where do the image URLs point to? Are when you manually load that URL do the images show?
The only thing I would say is that it was working in the past?

I actually wondered why members stopped using it so much, nothing has been listed for over a week, and we would get maybe 5-10 a week...

Thanks again, I know I must be a pain lol.

I'm not sure at all what's causing the issue. You did mention in a previous thread about changing the settings on imagemagic to get them working properly... is it possible that might actually have done the opposite and the cached files in your browser made it look as if it was working?

Do the URLs for the image actually point to an image you can see or not?

Don't worry about the posts and bug reports... it's important we get to know when things are and are not working correctly so we can improve what we've got. :)
They work on Chrome but not on IE (which makes me believe it is a cached image that I am see'ing)


When I am logged out of the forums you cannot see the items.

When I log in you can see them fine.

It used to work when you was not logged (Unregistered) in you could see the items?

I think it maybe a permission issue then?
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