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I'm not sure if this request should be for a standalone mod, or if it should be a part of this fine modification. But I'll try it here.

Sometimes folks would like to post things but not have it seen by the entire world. Sometimes they want to say something without a thousand replies from every Tom, Dick and Harry. This is especially true on larger forums.

Having the option to start a thread that only "friends" can view and reply to has become a popular and expected aspect of social sharing, yet this is currently not an option in vBulletin. You can change that.

I realize that there is the social groups option, but those groups are typically for specific topics. What if you'd like to share something of a more general nature, but you only want your "friends" to be able to view and comment on it?

Consider this: what if the only way you could make a post not viewable to the entire population of Facebook was to post it in a group? That's hardly practical!

Having this "friends only" option would also encourage people to add each other as "friends," thereby increasing the socialability of vBulletin-powered sites, and thereby increasing user involvement.

It's a win for everyone.

"Friends Only" threads could be designated as such in Live Feed, which would encourage owners of either product to purchase the other.

If it's beyond the scope of the Threadmins product, I would love to see this as a standalone product.

Thank you for your time.
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Sounds an interesting idea. Will come back to this when I get chance to look at the next update for Threadmins... :)

Might fit in with some other features we are planning :)
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Legacy Threadmins and Group Moderators

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