Legacy Page to show all hashtags that exist at the moment for easier subscriptions to them

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As I mentioned here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f51/how-subscribe-existing-hashtags-possible-subscribe-posts-16087/ it would be much easier if users could see all existing hashtags at some moment and then choose to which of them they want to subscribe.

I think the best way to do this would be to create special page that shows all hashtags, maybe even have search option (in case that there's a lot of hashtags) for searching in hashtags.

All hashtags in that page would function just as hashtags in posts, users could click on them, go to page where they could subscribe to it and then be returned either to post, or this special page with all hashtags, depending where they started.

This page also should have button to return where users started the page.

Page should be accessible from at least two places: UserCP for hashtags management and somewhere in quick links or community (possibly both of these places).

And maybe someone with rights to manage hashtags (admins, supermoderators, or such) could also delete unwanted hashtags.
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

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