Question PayCheck event. How to trigger once every month?

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I'm trying to setup a trigger to give users 1 credit every month.

Th e paycheck trigger seems to be what I want and by default triggers once a day. I can change the frequency to 30 but how can I adjust for months with more/less days?

Is there a way to make it so It triggers by month instead of by day no matter how many days in the month?

Is there a better way to do this?

The goal of this credit is for raffles. Regular members should get 1 raffle credit a month and other groups can get more per month.
I decided to use Daily Activity instead with frequency of 30. This way it will give members an incentive to be active as well.

With this implementation I don't think there will be any issues anymore.

So I guess this ticket can be closed.
Hello @Rick7C2,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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