Bug PHP error with VBulletin 4.2.5 on user settings page for DBTech Post Templates

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When going to settings > Post & PM Templates - when I try to open the page it I get this PHP error:

Call to undefined method vB_DataManager::vB_DataManager() on line 36 in public/forum/includes/class_dm_posttemplates.php
#0 public/forum/includes/functions.php(196): vB_DataManager_PostTemplates->vB_DataManager_PostTemplates(Object(vB_Registry ), 1)
#1 public/forum/dbtech/posttemplates/hooks/profile_start.php(37): datamanager_init('posttemplates', Object(vB_Registry))
#2 public/forum/profile.php(186) : eval()'d code(1): require_once('/srv/users/serv...')
#3 public/forum/profile.php(186): eval()
#4 public/forum/dbseo.php(539): require('/srv/users/serv...')
#5 {main}

Any ideas how to fix this please?
My site runs on PHP 7.1. Thanks!
Please make sure you are running the latest version as this has been fixed a long time ago :)
Fillip H. I apologise for wasting your time. It seems I had updated the XML to the latest version but forgot to upload the latest files.
Hello furnival,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

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Thank you!
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Legacy Post Templates

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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