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I just noticed this slight bleed through for the "Your Ad Here" placeholder through one of my ads that is a PNG. It is a transparent ad but should still not have this happen.
I am running the pl1 version.
your ad here.webp

BTW - Unrelated to this mod but related to this forum. When I posted this bug I did not have the drop down option of selecting my site for this bug report.
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I'm unable to replicate this issue on your site. I'm seeing that you're using the Banner Space "Placeholder" feature which does not load the PH seen in your screenshot.

If you made changes to your configuration that fixed this, could you please undo these changes so I can see them in action? :)

Regarding the site stuff: We switched over from using our internal-only vBSupport mod over to the publicly available DragonByte vBForms which doesn't have this capability - I'll work on re-adding it today :)
No I have not made any changes to the configuration. I should mention, the screen shot above is an "ad" that I have in place and is not the placeholder.
I have both an ad and a placeholder advertising ad space on the site. I did that for testing purposes but never changed it. :)

I tested it again in Safari and got the same results. I really believe it is because of the transparent image I am using. Compound Bows_2014-01-08_15-33-17.webp
That picture you have is my placeholder. The problem is with the ad that I have. At first glance they look the same but take a closer look. :)
Can you limit the number of ad spaces in the banner space so that the full ad appears 100% of the time?
While I'm unable to replicate the reported issue, I see that the "Please do not block our ads" image is bleeding through.

Because the background of the ad space is always solid white (unless you edit the CSS), I would recommend changing your image to have a solid white background as well. This will allow the functionality of the mod to remain intact.

If you don't want to do this, you will need to edit the dbtech-wrapper-block-noblockbg CSS class and remove the image from it.
Sorry, I had to change it back as my customers where wondering where their ads have gone. :eek:

I suspected all along it is because of the transparency but assumed that there should be a trigger to not show a background image.

I will try your suggestions above and report back. :)
I will change this to a Feature Request to add a per-ad override of the background image in case there's others who use transparent ads :)
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