Bug Predefined user title not working

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Predefined user title is not working even if it is set as Active. We check/uncheck the Active box still wont apply the predefined title.

We also tried user title change item. At first when you configured it the custom title shows but when you uncheck the Active box it will revert to default user title and it wont apply the custom user title when you decide to check the Active box again.

Could you confirm this on your end please. Thank you.
I can confirm that there does indeed appear to be issues with these two items not re-applying after toggling them off and on again.

I'll get this resolved today and hopefully release a new version, as there are a couple of bugfixes queued up for release.

Thank you for reporting this :)
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future release (6.4.14).

Change log:
Fix: User Title Change / User Title Change (Pre-Defined) would not reapply correctly if the inventory item was deactivated then re-activated

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DragonByte Shop

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