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I have been investigating lack of notifications for tapatalk users after turning on vbanswer lite 2.0.0 (hotfixed yesterday) and current vbactivity pro. But the only error I get (a lot!) in the log is a dbseo error:

[22-May-2014 20:49:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 35 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2417
[22-May-2014 20:49:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 42 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2417

Can this be related to tapatalk push problems?
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You need to turn on display_errors and find a way to replicate this issue if I'm to have any hope of fixing it. This has been reported previously, but nobody has been willing or able to reproduce it.
I have used the following in class_core line 2416:

if (!preg_match($regexpFormat, $urlToCheck, $matches))
Here's the output, and if I'm not mistaken there's an error in dbseo functions for dbtech product reviews:
[22-May-2014 21:46:28 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/review/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[22-May-2014 21:46:28 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:46:28 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 42 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
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Huh, I had no idea that function existed. That's extremely helpful, thank you :D

Are you using a custom format for the "Review URL" format?
Yes, I do (translation of "review" part). Funny thing is my translated string is not in the preg_check...

I've got Reviews installed but not really launched. Got it blocked now and the warning is gone.
I wanted to change the first part ('reviews/') into ('testy/'). Since these were only tests I didn't pay much attention and made a mistake. So the process went like this:
1. In the first option to change url of the reviews start page I've used string 'testy' (no end slash) and didn't change anything else. This stayed like this for more than a week.
2. Yesterday I was setting up other extensions and saw errors in the log file, so I went back to dbseo and noticed the errors, and...
3. I have replaced the first option with ('testy/') and then went through each option using the first example string but replacing 'reviews/' with 'testy/' at the beginning.
All of the changes didn't help with error log (what I have included is captured after all of the changes). After I have disabled the product and went back to dbseo panel, errors vanished.
Can you please show me the custom string for the specific URL format mentioned above?
Going from top to bottom, current settings for reviews are:
Custom Review URL	testy/
Custom Review List URL	testy/[instance_name]/
Custom Review List (Paged) URL	testy/[instance_name]/index[page].html
Category URL	testy/[instance_name]/[category_id]-[category_title]/
Category (Paged) URL	testy/[instance_name]/[category_id]-[category_title]-[page]/
Review URL	testy/[instance_name]/review/[review_id]-[review_title]/
But there's more. I have set filtering on cosole output too restrictive and when I went back to yesterday's dump, there's a little more I should've shown you. This is the whole sequence of what seems to be a single request. This is the whole pattern - other requests look similarly.

[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^groups/categories\-page(\d+)\.html$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^groups/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/picture\-([dt\d]+)\-page(\d+)\.html$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^groups/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/([dt\d]+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 45 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419

[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^groupphotos/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/picture\-([dt\d]+)\.([^/]+)$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^reviews/?$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^testy$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 35 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419

[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 35 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419

[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/index(\d+)\.html$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/?$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/review/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[22-May-2014 21:49:54 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 42 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
At the moment, even with reviews rewriting disabled in dbseo - I still get a single warning per request - seems like it is coming from the groups rewrite...
I've dumped my vb_settings with dbseo in variable name:
Try adding
as well. I can't replicate this issue and there is no logical reason why it should be happening.
Try adding
as well. I can't replicate this issue and there is no logical reason why it should be happening.

This is the format:

And here's the output (review rewrites are disabled):
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] #^groups/categories\-page(\d+)\.html$#
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] groups/categories-page%page%.html
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] #^groups/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/picture\-([dt\d]+)\-page(\d+)\.html$#
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] groups/%group_id%-%group_name%/picture-%picture_id%-page%page%.html
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] #^groups/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/([dt\d]+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] groups/%group_id%-%group_name%/%picture_id%-%picture_title%.html
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 45 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] #^groupphotos/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/picture\-([dt\d]+)\.([^/]+)$#
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] forum/clientscript/ckeditor/skins/kama/images/sprites.png
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] groupphotos/%group_id%-%group_name%/picture-%picture_id%.%original_ext%
[24-May-2014 08:30:14 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Tx_JsForumnewsViewhelper_ViewHelpers_forumonlineViewHelper' not found in /var/www/typo3_src-4.7.19/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 4931

and with review rewrites enabled:
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^groups/categories\-page(\d+)\.html$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] groups/categories-page%page%.html
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^groups/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/picture\-([dt\d]+)\-page(\d+)\.html$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] groups/%group_id%-%group_name%/picture-%picture_id%-page%page%.html
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^groups/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/([dt\d]+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] groups/%group_id%-%group_name%/%picture_id%-%picture_title%.html
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 45 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^groupphotos/(\d+)\-([^/]+)/picture\-([dt\d]+)\.([^/]+)$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] groupphotos/%group_id%-%group_name%/picture-%picture_id%.%original_ext%
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^reviews/?$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] reviews/
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^testy$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] testy
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] reviews/%instance_name%/%category_id%-%category_title%-%page%/
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 35 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] reviews/%instance_name%/%category_id%-%category_title%/
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 35 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/index(\d+)\.html$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] reviews/%instance_name%/index%page%.html
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/?$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] reviews/%instance_name%/
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] #^reviews/([^/]+)/review/(\d+)\-([a-z\._\-$#
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] mobiquo/mobiquo.php
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] reviews/%instance_name%/review/%review_id%-%review_title%/
[24-May-2014 08:36:14 UTC] PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 42 in forum/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 2419
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Update: I've solved the problem. It was a two-stage problem, consisting of a character encoding problem that had poisoned the URL History.
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