Question Problems with connections

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I've puchased Dragonbyte Mail and try to use it for inactive users. But I'm getting a lot (millions ...) of errors because of the connections. Here is what my provider wrote:

Send emails in multiple stages. Staggered sending minimizes the likelihood of being added to a blacklist. Operators of large email services, such as, GMX, or Gmail, block further acceptance of emails once a certain number of simultaneous incoming emails is reached.

However, sending newsletters via SMTP is generally preferred. This means you deliver emails directly through mailbox login (e.g., m0.... or emailaddress@domainname.tld) to the server and also receive corresponding bounces there.

Please observe the following limits for sending emails:
  • Max. 1,000 emails in 10 minutes (when sending via SMTP)
  • Max. 100 emails immediately, followed by 1,000 emails every 30 minutes (when sending via a script)
  • Max. 3 simultaneous SMTP connections per client and mailbox
  • Max. 400 connections in 10 minutes
  • Max. 100 MB - size of a single email

My question: Is it possible to design the add-on in such a way that these requirements are met? Otherwise, it is hardly usable for me, as errors occur very quickly.
Hi there,

This add-on only allows you to set maximum number of emails per hour, that kind of advanced config is beyond the scope of this addon.
Hello, I know, therefore I've asked whether it's possible to change it. Because the mail restrictions of providers don't apply only on the number of mails per hour but also on the number of connections. Without it is useless for me because I get millions of errors, because of to many connections and the mails were rejected. Even If I set the amount of mails below the allowed value.
You should really get a better mail provider, like Amazon SES, as those restrictions are entirely unreasonable. I’m not going to be able to accommodate those restrictions, sorry.
Believe me, I tried that. Amazon SES rejected me three times, even though or because I don't have a particularly large forum. There is no money to be made with me.

Another mail provider I tried a few days ago stopped sending mail because the bounce rate was too high. Other, possibly better mail providers are significantly more expensive than my complete hosting.

At the moment it is almost impossible for me to send a mail to all users of the forum. That's about 20,000.

The best way would really be to set the values for sending mail in the forum software so that the provider's requirements are met. All providers, at least in Germany, now have such requirements for shared hosting.
DB Mail does have an email validation feature that will ensure you don’t send emails to users whose emails are no longer valid.

You can access it via the CLI, I don’t recall the specific command as I’m not on my work computer at the moment but you’ll find it if you list CLI commands.

This site is smaller than yours and I’m using SES.
This site is smaller than yours and I’m using SES.
Once again: Amazon SES rejected me three times. This has nothing to do with size alone. I can only guess, because Amazon does not give any reasons, that it might have something to do with the ratio between mails per month and suspected bounces. This is unfavourable due to certain factors for which I can do nothing. And Amazon finds that rather uncool.

Apart from that, there were 2.5 million error messages in the log again today, even though the add-on is deactivated.

I absolutely cannot use it like this.

You can access it via the CLI, I don’t recall the specific command as I’m not on my work computer at the moment but you’ll find it if you list CLI commands.
sorry, I don't understand, what you mean
I absolutely cannot use it like this.
As you yourself noted, this has nothing to do with the addon itself, and entirely due to the unreasonable and draconian restrictions set by your host.

sorry, I don't understand, what you mean
Do you have shell access to your site? If so, you can login to SSH, navigate to your forum's path and enter this command:
php cmd.php dbtech-mail:validate-emails 500 --force

This will attempt to validate 500 users' email addresses to check for potential bounces. Repeat the command until it says there are no more users to check.

I would recommend checking with a smaller number of users first, such as 5, and then check your bounce log to see if it correctly identified bounced emails or if it incorrectly flags everyone as bounced.
Hello @portugalforum,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Mail has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Mail

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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