Question Product Image not showing on new products

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I'm sure this is something that we have done but can't work out what. The images shows if you click into the product but not in the grid listing.. all the old products are fine just the new ones..
I have just tried to change the product image on an old product and I can't.. You can add a new image and delete the old image but when you look at the listing page you still see the old image.. click into the product and you have the new image....
Sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Are you trying to change the product icon?

The icon is completely separate from the images in the screenshot grid.

Could you please clarify?
Turns out the icons aren't being written into the folder. The images is in the product details but not in the data folder..
Can you check the server error log in the XenForo AdminCP and also check the write permissions of the icon folder?
This was the only error
  • ErrorException: Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Method canViewDbtechEcommerceProducts is not callable on the given object (SV\ElasticSearchEssentials\XF\Entity\User)
  • src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1189
  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • Nov 27, 2023 at 4:49 PM

Stack trace​

#0 [internal function]: XF\Template\Templater->handleTemplateError(512, '[E_USER_WARNING...', '/home/storm/sit...', 1189)
#1 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1189): trigger_error('Method canViewD...', 512)
#2 internal_data/code_cache/navigation_cache.php(413): XF\Template\Templater->method(Object(SV\ElasticSearchEssentials\XF\Entity\User), 'canViewDbtechEc...', Array)
#3 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(7695): XF\Pub\App->{closure}(Object(ThemeHouse\UIX\XF\Template\Templater), 'forums', Array)
#4 src/XF/Pub/App.php(578): XF\Template\Templater->renderNavigationClosure(Object(Closure), 'forums', Array)
#5 src/XF/Pub/App.php(529): XF\Pub\App->getNavigation(Array, 'forums')
#6 src/XF/App.php(2285): XF\Pub\App->renderPageHtml('

...', Array, Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#7 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(404): XF\App->renderPage('

...', Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#8 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(60): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'html')
#9 src/XF/App.php(2487): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#10 src/XF.php(524): XF\App->run()
#11 index.php(20): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#12 {main}

Request state​

array(4) {
["url"] => string(25) "/xf/threads/224667/page-5"
["referrer"] => bool(false)
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
That is unrelated, but I'll fix that one, thanks :)

What about the /data/dbtechEcommerce/productIcons folder permissions?
Has anything changed on your server since you added the original product image?

Regardless, can you try with 777? Maybe there's been some internal changes that prevents the directory from being writable anymore.
Hello @adambloch,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte eCommerce has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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