Bug Profile Page Pagination Error

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When viewing your (or another user's) profile, the mentions and quotes tabs are paginated to allow viewing of historic data. However, the links they provide also include a parameter called 'perpage', presumably to set how many items are listed perpage, and any time the server gets a 'perpage' parameter it winds up attempting infinite redirects.


Mentions page: View Profile: XERQ - XERQ
Mentions page 2: View Profile: XERQ - XERQ (I manually removed the perpage parameter)
Mentions page 2 with broken param: http://www.xerq.net/forums/member.php?u=1&page=2&tab=mentions&perpage=20 (should be borked)

The easiest way to fix this in the short term is to have the php generating the page stop including the perpage parameter in those links (there's no user control for it anyway, outside of manually chopping up the URL). Longer term, we might want to look into why the perpage paramater makes the server barf.
I believe I have already fixed this in a hotfix, if you re-download and re-upload /dbtech/usertag/includes/class_profileblock.php that should resolve it :)
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