Em Kay
New member

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:
Invalid SQL:
COUNT(*) AS count
COUNT(*) AS count
FROM forum_dbtech_classifieds_listing AS l
LEFT JOIN forum_dbtech_classifieds_listing_item AS li ON l.listingid = li.listingid
LEFT JOIN forum_attachment AS a ON l.attachmentid = a.attachmentid
LEFT JOIN forum_filedata AS f ON a.filedataid = f.filedataid
LEFT JOIN forum_user AS u ON u.userid = l.userid
WHERE ((l.title LIKE '%Items%' AND l.title LIKE '%from%' AND l.title LIKE '%wuz_uk%') OR (l.shortdescription LIKE '%Items%' AND l.shortdescription LIKE '%from%' AND l.shortdescription LIKE '%wuz_uk%') OR (l.description LIKE '%Items%' AND l.description LIKE '%from%' AND l.description LIKE '%wuz_uk%')) AND u.username LIKE '%wuz\_uk%' AND l.categoryids IN () AND l.enddate < 1398156669
AND l.ended = 0
AND l.moderated = 0
AND l.enddate > 1398156669
AND l.cancelled = 0
GROUP BY l.listingid
) AS total;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND l.enddate < 1398156669
AND l.ended = 0
AND l.moderated = 0
AND ' at line 11
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Tuesday, April 22nd 2014 @ 09:51:09 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, April 22nd 2014 @ 09:51:09 AM
Script : Planet of the Vapes UK Vaping and E-Cigarette Forum
Referrer : View Listings - Planet of the Vapes UK Vaping and E-Cigarette Forum
IP Address : ******************
Username : KulrMeStoopid
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.35-0ubuntu0.12.04.2