Legacy Reputation multiplier when awarding credits?

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Reputation is an important part of most forums and unfortunately it doesn't seem to contribute to earning of credits. Can you add the option of using the 'reputation power' of any member as a multiplier when awarding credits for each activity? I believe reputation power ranges from 1-10 under vbulletin.
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When you are creating the event that uses reputation, there is a field for how many credits to apply per reputation point involved.
no. under the activity amounts configuration, there is no field at all that even mentions the word 'reputation'

i need something like: (reputation power)/5+(post amount) to be what the member gets when he makes a new post
Amounts for reputation only apply during reputation give/take. NOT during post (and im not going to mix them).
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
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