Bug Reviews Bug in Page Navigation

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There is a bug in the page navigation. It doesn't seem to properly use pages within Categories. There is a bugged "Array" line in it.

This is what the line reads in live: dbtreview.php?sort=newest&ri=reviewArray&page=2

When it should be something like this: dbtreview.php?catid=61&ri=review&sort=newest&page=2

The page navigation does not put the category ID in the link when you are viewing specific categories. Infact the bugged "array" command is present in all of the links in page navigation and I don't think it's meant to be there.

So people are unable to actually properly navigation the product.
Hi there,

I believe a similar issue was reported previously, are you on the latest version of this product?
I am running PL4. The most recent version. Categories themselves do not have a functioning multiple page navigation. Infact in your demo you have on the site here the same "array" code is seen in your version. If you add enough test reviews to have multiple pages then you will see that in your version on the site here. So basically the 'array' is hanging in there and categories do not have the 'catid=' in the url string to properly navigate.
Hello Praetorian,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Fixed.

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Thank you!
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Legacy DragonByte Reviews

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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