Legacy Reviews needs some lovin' [Feature Requests] :)

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BBcodes should work for all custom fields. Or at least include a settings option to parse all vbulletin bbcode in all fields of the reviews add-on.

The primary image should not show in the gallery "more images" area. These should have an option to stay separate. For sites that use custom images for their listings (which is most) the gallery also showing this primary image alongside what could be product images and such just looks tacky and out of place. Perhaps just stick the primary image off to the side where a user can customize his template to where he wants it to show up.

The mod should really utilize a new system for clients wanting to add videos to their listings. Perhaps a tabbed Gallery for both Images and Videos so they can be separated in the gallery listing. Because right now you can't tell which is a video and which is a image.

The add-on should support the same WYSIWYG editor that vbulletin uses IMO. The current editor is nice but it is missing a lot of the features that the vbulletin editor uses.

When you are viewing a review there is no way to go back to the category listing that you were viewing. The navigation bit only shows the main listing and then the review you are reading. There really should be the category bits and subcategory bits in there for easy navigating. Just like on the vbulletin default navigation. This ensures a much nicer browsing experience for the users of a clients website.

Custom Fields need customizing. Much like the add-on Vbadvanced which allows you to place sections above, below, middle, left and right; so should the reviews mod. It allows a user greater flexibility in placing custom fields that fits their styling and improves their users browsing experience. Plus it makes the add-on more desirable the more you can design it to fit your vision.

Image Uploads. As far as I can tell the reviews system puts all images into the database. This string can not be used to hotlink images anywhere else on the website. So if a user uploads a new article with any new images they can not link their images from the reviews page anywhere else. Either the strings need to be updated so they can be hot linked or I think an option for file storage instead of database storage should be optioned. If there is a file storage option then the storage should be nice and neat to where each category and subcategory has its own folder ID's.

Default Fields Names. These names could be customizable to each user. Perhaps a user does not use PRO and CON. Maybe they call it something else or use a different comparison scale. Obviously a more advanced user can just change the phrases within the admin panel but it tends to get a bit messy with future upgrades and such.

A default custom field, or even a pro version custom field for JUST YouTube videos (or other video sites) would be a nice addition. This addition when clicked would open the YouTube video in a "theater' style in the web browser. A theater style display would basically open the YouTube video over the center of the webpage with a blackened area around it. This gives the video the center of attention.

Promoting a thread. Promoting a thread from the forums to an article would be a nice niche addon that might not be that hard to pull off. Sites that allow user reviews on their forums may want to promote a REALLY good one to their main listing and give credit where credit is due. Adding a way to import that one thread over (including comments) would a nice little addition to give sites the ability to highlight their users, increase activity and give credit where credit is due.

The Admin Area. When you start getting up over 500+ reviews and 200+ categories. The main review , instance and category listing area can be an eye sore to look at. Perhaps getting these categorized much like the way vbulletin handles their forum manager would make it a bit easier to locate and modify content.

There is probably more that I could think of a bit later. But for now I think that is a good list. It would be nice to see a little update made to the Reviews Addon. :)
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Legacy DragonByte Reviews

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