Hi guys,
would it be possible to have a link to produce an order report as a CSV and PDF please?
Our book keeper demands one this and I am having to run this query to get it
Hopefully you can produce with a user selected date range. It's essential for accounting purposes.
Many thanks.
would it be possible to have a link to produce an order report as a CSV and PDF please?
Our book keeper demands one this and I am having to run this query to get it
This example is for June, July and August.SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(completed_date,'%Y-%m-%d') as "ORDER DATE",business_title as "CUSTOMER",country_code as "COUNTRY",sales_tax_id as "TAX ID",currency,taxable_order_total as "SUBTOTAL",sales_tax as "TAX",cost_amount as "TOTAL" FROM xf_dbtech_ecommerce_order,xf_dbtech_ecommerce_address
WHERE xf_dbtech_ecommerce_order.address_id = xf_dbtech_ecommerce_address.address_id
AND completed_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2024-06-01") and completed_date <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2024-08-31")
ORDER BYcompleted_date
Hopefully you can produce with a user selected date range. It's essential for accounting purposes.
Many thanks.