Bug Search Engine Optimization

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DBSEO Does not Support 100% Search Engine Optimization, Please look into about on this and try add functionality to DBSEO for Better SEO Results.

Here the error Log:

Description : The meta-description tag is missing from your page. You should include this tag in order to provide a brief description of your page which can be used by search engines or directories.

How to Fix: In order to pass this test you must include a meta-description tag in your page header (<head> section):

	<meta name="description" content="type_here_your_description">

Keyword Usage: Keyword(s) not included in Meta-Title, Keyword(s) not included in Meta-Description

How to Fix: First of all, you must make sure that your page is using the title, meta-description and meta-keywords tags.
Second, you must adjust these tags content in order to include some of the primary keywords displayed above.

URL SEO Friendly Test: Your site url is SEO friendly but your page contains some links that are not SEO friendly


Google Analytics Test: Your website does not include Google Analytics tracker script or this script is not properly installed. You are advised to use Google Analytics (and properly install the tracker script) in order to get detailed statistics about your website's traffic and traffic sources.

How to Fix: In order to pass this test you must create an account on Google Analytics site and insert into your page a small javascript tracking code.


<!-- Google Analytics -->
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

<!-- End Google Analytics -->

Note that you have to change the 'UA-XXXX-Y' with the proper id which you'll find into your analytics account.

Media Print Test: Your webpage doesn't take the advantages of media print CSS rule!

How to Fix: For printing your webpage in a user-friendly format you can use one of these methods:

1. Use a @media print {...} rule at the end of your CSS file (note that specificity and precedence rules still apply!)

@media print {
/* your print styles go here */
#header , #footer , #menu { display: none; }
body { font: 12pt georgia,serif; }
h1 { font-size: 18pt; }
h2 { font-size: 16pt; color: #000; }

2. Create and use a print stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />

The file, print.css is the print stylesheet, and the media="print" command means that this CSS file only gets called up when your page is printed. The only CSS rules you need to put in the print stylesheet are ones to override the CSS rules in the main stylesheet (you don't need to repeat any colour or branding CSS commands as they'll already be taken from the main stylesheet).

In order to decrease the HTTP requests, we recommend method 1 for creating your print styles.

Page Cache Test: It does not appear that you are caching your pages. Cached pages serve up static html and avoid potentially time consuming queries to your database. It also helps lower server load by up to 80%. Caching most visibly benefits high traffic pages that access a database, but whose content does not change on every page view. Common caching methods include Alternative PHP Cache, Quickcache, and jpcache. Caching mechanisms also typically compress HTML, further reducing page size and load time.

How to Fix: In order to pass this test you are advised to use a caching mechanism for your pages. There are three methods which can be used to caching your web pages:

1. Alternative PHP caching
- Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is an open source framework which caches data using intermediate PHP code. Most web programmers who are familiar with the PHP programming language can easily set up Alternative PHP Cache for your site.
2. Quickcache
- Quickcache is a lightweight page caching solution which was formerly known as jpcache. Quickcache caches the page output rather than compiling the PHP page, making it a superior version of page caching to the Alternative PHP caching. Quickcache can be quickly downloaded from their website and can reduce your page load time up to 80%.
3. WP Super Cache
- If you have a Wordpress website, WP Super Cache can be installed within seconds and without no programming knowledge.

Image Expires Tag Test: Your site is not using expires headers for your images. An expires tag can help speed up the serving of your webpages for users that regularly visit your site and see the same images.

How to Fix: n order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, you can use the HTTP Expires header to set an expiration time for your images or any other content type. You can add the following lines into your .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive on
    ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"

Site Loading Speed Test: Your site loading time is around 7.743 seconds and this is over the average loading speed which is 5 seconds.

How to Fix: In order to resolve this problem you are advised to:

1. reduce the number of your HTTP resources
2. use gzip compression
3. use HTTP caching
4. move all CSS style rules into a single, external and minified CSS file
5. minify all JS files and,if possible, try combine them into a single external JS file
6. include external CSS files before external JS files
7. place your JS scripts at the bottom of your page
8. optimize your web graphics

URL Canonicalization Test: Test your site for potential URL canonicalization issues. Canonicalization describes how a site can use slightly different URLs for the same page (for example, if Example Domain and Example Domain displays the same page but do not resolve to the same URL). If this happens, search engines may be unsure as to which URL is the correct one to index. Learn more about canonicalization issues.

http://www.nirmoladda.com and http://nirmoladda.com should resolve to the same URL, but currently do not.

How to Fix: n order to pass this test you must consider using a 301 re-write rule in your .htaccess file so that both addresses (Example Domain and Example Domain) resolve to the same URL.

- If you want to redirect Example Domain to Example Domain, you can use this:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/example\.com\/" [R=301,L]

- If you want to redirect Example Domain to Example Domain, you can use this:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301]

Note that you must put the above lines somewhere after RewriteEngine On line.

Libwww-perl Access Test: Your server appears to allow access from User-agent Libwww-perl. Botnet scripts that automatically look for vulnerabilities in your software are sometimes identified as User-Agent libwww-perl. By blocking access from libwww-perl you can eliminate many simpler attacks.

How to Fix: In order to pass this test you must block the libwww-perl user-agent in your .htaccess file.
If your site is running on apache server, you could put these lines in your .htaccess after RewriteEngine on line:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} libwww-perl.* 
RewriteRule .* – [F,L]

Server Signature Test: Your server signature is on. Turning off your server signature is generally a good idea from a security standpoint.

How to Fix: By default, the Apache webserver sends HTTP headers with some information about your server version, operating system, modules installed, etc. These informations can be used by hackers in order to exploit vulnerabilities (specially if you are running an older version). These information can be hidden or changed with very basic configurations.
Open Apache’s configuration file (httpd.conf or apache.conf) and search for ServerSignature. If you find it, edit it to:

ServerSignature Off
ServerTokens Prod

If you don't find it, just add these two lines at the end of the file.
Note that, after you modify the configuration file, you must restart the Apache server.

IP Canonicalization Test: Your site's IP does not redirect to your site's domain name. This could cause duplicate content problems if a search engine indexes your site under both its IP and domain name.

How to Fix: In order to pass this test you must consider using a 301 re-write rule in your .htaccess file so that your site's IP points to your domain name.
If your site is running on apache server, you could put these lines in your .htaccess after RewriteEngine on line:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^XXX\.XXX\.XXX\.XXX
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.yourdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Note that you must proper format the first line using your IP (replace X characters with proper digits from your IP) and the second line using your domain name.

Media Query Responsive Test: Your website is not using media queries. You should consider using this technique in order to implement responsive design functionalities.

How to Fix: Media queries allow you to style elements for specific devices (smartphones, tablets, desktop computers) by using attributes like width, height, resolution, aspect ratio, orientation or color. By using media queries, presentations can be tailored to a specific range of output devices without changing the content itself.


<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 960px)" 
href="480-960.css" />
<!-- OR -->
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 960px) {
    [URL=http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=header]#header[/URL]  {
        display: none;

An @media rule specifies the target media types of a set of statements. In the example above, we are specifying the media type screen. The max-width and min-width features are telling the browser that at any screen size larger than 480px, but smaller than 960px, hide any elements with id="header".

Social Media Check: Your website is not connected with social media using the API's provided by Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Pinterest, or using addthis.com

How to Fix: n order to pass this test you must connect your website with at least one major social network. To do that, you must insert into your page some social networks plugins: Facebook Like Button, Facebook Share Button, Facebook Comments, Twitter Button, Google +1 Button, Pinterest Button or AddThis Widget
You'll need to let me know what page you tested, most of those are DBSEO features and others cannot be implemented.
What site is that? I can look into making further improvements based on its advice :)
The suggestions pertaining to sitemap.xml and Google Analytics will be implemented in the next version :)
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