Bug Select Category issue and DBSEO URL

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I was looking at the items in the classifeds and I could not see this item on the main page

Viewing Listing: VU+ DUO + 500 GB harddrive in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts

Notice that this item does also not correctly use the DBSEO URLS (@Fillip H. might be interested?)

When I went into that item I found that the user had not set a category at all... so I changed it to satellite equipment, I expected that the item would now work correctly using the DBSEO URLS but it still uses the php URL.

What I am wondering is how this member managed to not set a category for his listing, and does not setting a category make the DBSEO URLS break for the item.

I've made a change in Beta 3 that will prevent a user not selecting a category at all or using a non-existing category.

I'm not sure why it doesn't reset and include the category in the URL, Fillip H. might have a better idea of that.

But there shouldn't be an issue with there being no category in the URL as it's optional to do it that way. Fillip H. will also have a better idea of if that is correct or not. Keep an eye out for errors in your error logs just in case. :)
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