Bug Shipping costs

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shipping costs should be calculated over the entire cart while checking out, not befor.

I have to list products and shipping costs seperate on the invoice also their VAT
No, each item needs its own shipping cost because different items can have different shipping methods.
But what if someone buys two or mor items of the same seller and they are shipped togehter? in that case the customer would have to pay twice the shipping costs
No, they don't. Use the "Cost formula" option in the Shipping method definition.

For instance, if it costs €15 to ship any given amount of items using this shipping method, you can use 15 / q to ensure that if they buy 1 or 100 items it still only costs €15.
But the systems adds the Shipping costs to the product price..

how about the amazon system:
if you buy 3 products from 2 independent sellers and one of amazon the system adds all the shipping costs:
here a 3 items in the cart, one is of amazon with free shipping, the other two are of to independent sellers with shipping.

I think this way it is most clearly for the customer.
There are no plans to change the way shipping is calculated at the moment, sorry.
Unfortunately, the software is currently not useful for selling physical goods with shipping costs. And should not be advertised for it. For the sale of software without shipping, like presented in this forum, it is ok. But no customer understands why the price of his ordered product is suddenly higher. And it would be so easy. At checkout only the common shipping costs are shown anyway.Not split on the products. Only in the preview of the cart and in the invoice the shipping costs are shown split. Why not just leave this presentation of split values. The calculation of the common shipping costs can still be done as before ...
Hello @wlanthermo,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte eCommerce

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
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