Bug shout box keeps loading

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upgraded to DragonByte Shout v7.1.0 now when I set Auto-Display Shoutbox to Disabled and set <!--XFSHOUT.instance1--> to any template. I
get the loading in the shoutbox seen here. Files are set to CHMOD 777

SanGaming Community(1).webp
Hmm, it seems to work for me @ your site as a guest. Can you try in another browser while logged out and see if the issue exists only for your logged in account?
It would seem as if there's a conflict with DB Optimise's Defer JavaScript and the manual Shoutbox deployment. I'm not sure if there's a way to fix that, but in the meantime you can set it back to automatic deployment.
Copy that well in the mean time I'll shut down DB Optimise, Shout box comes first lol. Thank you for finding out the issue.
Just hope you can find away to fix it. ;)
There's no need to disable the whole of DB Optimise, you can just turn off Defer Javascript.
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Legacy DragonByte Shout

XenForo 1.5.3+
DragonByte Technologies
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