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In the admincp, I was testing out the shout log.

It does not show up any shouts under date. (bug - because there are shouts made)

I then changed it to username and got a database error.

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:

Invalid SQL:

	SELECT shoutlog.*, shoutlog.username AS cmdusername, user.username
	FROM vb3_dbtech_vbshout_deeplog AS shoutlog
	LEFT JOIN vb3_user AS user ON (user.userid = shoutlog.userid)
	WHERE shoutlog.dateline >= 1264946400
	AND shoutlog.dateline <= 1269522000
	ORDER BY username ASC, dateline DESC
	LIMIT 0, 15;

MySQL Error   : Column 'username' in order clause is ambiguous
Error Number  : 1052
Request Date  : Friday, March 5th 2010 @ 04:12:14 PM
Error Date    : Friday, March 5th 2010 @ 04:12:14 PM
Script        : *****/vbshout.php?do=viewshoutlog
Referrer      : ****/vbshout.php?do=shoutlog
IP Address    : 
Username      : 
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.85-community
getting this also

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT shoutlog.*, shoutlog.username AS cmdusername, user.username

FROM dbtech_vbshout_deeplog AS shoutlog
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = shoutlog.userid)

ORDER BY username ASC, dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 15;

MySQL Error : Column 'username' in order clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Request Date : Saturday, March 6th 2010 @ 05:27:06 AM
Error Date : Saturday, March 6th 2010 @ 05:27:06 AM
Script : http:///forums/a12hj/vbshout.php?do=viewshoutlog
Referrer : http:///forums/a12hj/vbshout.php?do=shoutlog
IP Address :
Username : jellybelly
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community
Last edited:
Open /dbtech/vbshout_pro/includes/actions/admin/viewshoutlog.php and change
$order = 'username ASC, dateline DESC';
$order = 'user.username ASC, dateline DESC';

However, the "No results matched your query" even though you have shouts is not a bug. You need to enable "Deep Logging" in order to log all shouts. That's what that page is meant to do.
It defaults to Off because it can be kind of resource intensive.
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