In the admincp, I was testing out the shout log.
It does not show up any shouts under date. (bug - because there are shouts made)
I then changed it to username and got a database error.
It does not show up any shouts under date. (bug - because there are shouts made)
I then changed it to username and got a database error.
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT shoutlog.*, shoutlog.username AS cmdusername, user.username
FROM vb3_dbtech_vbshout_deeplog AS shoutlog
LEFT JOIN vb3_user AS user ON (user.userid = shoutlog.userid)
WHERE shoutlog.dateline >= 1264946400
AND shoutlog.dateline <= 1269522000
ORDER BY username ASC, dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 15;
MySQL Error : Column 'username' in order clause is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Request Date : Friday, March 5th 2010 @ 04:12:14 PM
Error Date : Friday, March 5th 2010 @ 04:12:14 PM
Script : *****/vbshout.php?do=viewshoutlog
Referrer : ****/vbshout.php?do=shoutlog
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.85-community