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Hi, since i Updated my forum to Version 4.2 there no scores are submitted now.
The settings are correct and the .htaccess is the same.
If i try to submit a new score then i see only a white page (where the game was) or i see for a few seconds the index.php in the game frame and then the startpage for play the Game. If i play games where i have a score before the update then i can enter a new command but not with the new score

The second if a start the arcade then the arcade Tab on the main menu is highligted but if i play a game then the Forum Tab is highligted.

best regards Lars
I installed the arcade on my test board,and had no problems..But when I switched it to the live board I had the no score problem..So I disabled each plugin untill I found the problem plugin..Do you have another arcade still installed on your site?

And the highlighted forum button is standard vb stock..As you'll notice if you look at the navbar here,it is highlighted.
The navtab is broken for vb4.2 (fixed in 2.0.0). dbtech isnt yet running 4.2

you said you disabled each plugin until you found the problem. what was the plugin you think caused the problem?
V3 Arcade,even though it was disabled certain server files were causing problems.I couldn't mass email to members and the error was realated to tournaments.php.Once I deleted all v3 files off the server all issues were resolved.These problems only happened after upgrade too 4.2 so not sure what happened.I also originally had ibparcade installed and the index.php had to be modified for that,could have been a possible issue as in that getting over-written when I upgraded.Again not sure.But deleting the existing v3 files cured it for me..
Yeah, the other arcades used a lot of plugin/file edits to redirect/reformat the game scoring communications. I chose instead to do the same with mod_rewrite in the .htaccess files, because it gets quite messy.
So i disabled every Add-on but the problem is not solved. I have the ibProArcade addon installed but i also disabled this addon and rename the old arcade folder.

Problem is solved.
It was a wrong configuration in my Apache. But vbarcade run before update to vb 4.2!
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In the vhost.conf for the Subdomain was the entry "AllowOverride None"

I have disabled this option and now it woks fine. :D
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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