it would be great if the following changes could be made:
1- In the statistics table (in the detailed table, not in the summary table):
Show the following fields:
(In order)
* plus a time-restricted invite (only good for 3 days) which has already been requested, I believe.
also the ability to cancel an invite (also already requested, I believe)
and the ability to grant invitations to usergroups according to time and/or post count
2- Modify the Usergroup permissions to:
A - Modify usergroup permissions to allow to view:
B - Modify usergroup permissions to allow to view:
** This information is private, not necessarily to be viewed by everyone with access to view statistics
*** When there is a default usergroup, viewing the title is not needed
That said, making the invitations
- time-restricted,
- the ability to cancel invitations (in case email address was wrong, etc), as well as
- being able to assign invitations according to time lapsed ( X number of invites every month) and/or according to post count threshold
are all very important features.
1- In the statistics table (in the detailed table, not in the summary table):
Show the following fields:
(In order)
- username of the new member
- Date registered *
- Invited by (username of the person who sent the invite)
- Date sent invite *
- email address of the new forum member (already viewable)
* plus a time-restricted invite (only good for 3 days) which has already been requested, I believe.
also the ability to cancel an invite (also already requested, I believe)
and the ability to grant invitations to usergroups according to time and/or post count
2- Modify the Usergroup permissions to:
A - Modify usergroup permissions to allow to view:
- all Invites Statistics, or
- only own invite statistics
B - Modify usergroup permissions to allow to view:
- Can View Registration IP / or not **
- Can View "Title" / or not ***
** This information is private, not necessarily to be viewed by everyone with access to view statistics
*** When there is a default usergroup, viewing the title is not needed
That said, making the invitations
- time-restricted,
- the ability to cancel invitations (in case email address was wrong, etc), as well as
- being able to assign invitations according to time lapsed ( X number of invites every month) and/or according to post count threshold
are all very important features.

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