You appear to have Suhosin installed on your server and configured to be too restrictive for vBulletin and vBMail to work correctly.
Please note that if you have a large number of usergroups, certain parts of this page may not work as intended.
If you encounter this issue, you may be able to work around this by adding the following code to your .htaccess file:
php_flag suhosin.cookie.encrypt Off
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 2048
php_value suhosin.get.max_vars 2048
php_value 2048
These are the values vBulletin Support Staff suggest.
Hello have changed in the suhosin.ini
but the message above is me still showing
What am I doing wrong or the message is always shown?
because if I make a .htaccess in my forum I get error 500 Internal Server Error