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I am unable to make the 'side bar' blocks work - ask a question, unresolved questions. etc.

I have created the side bar in the admin back end but they are not showing up on the front end.

Am I missing something? Is there any permissions I need to set?

For the "Form" block to show up, 4 conditions have to be met:
  • The mod needs to be enabled
  • The viewing user needs permissions to post a problem (Usergroup Manager)
  • At least one category must be created (DBTech - vBAnswers -> Manage Categories)
  • If "x problems in y minutes" usergroup permissions are in effect, user must have not posted a question recently
Thanks. As per your guidelines I set the permission under User Groups and now I am able to see the side bar form!

As I am testing this out I have few other questions

1. when I create a new category I am now forced to select a private forum. Unless I select a private forum it is not letting me create a new category. I have set " can be private" NO and "force private" NO. But I am still forced to select a forum for private questions. I don't want any questions posted in a private forum. As a result, on the side bar on the home page there is an option for posting the question as a "private question". How do I remove this option to post private questions from the side bar form?

2. I posted a test question and then I logged in as another user and posted a reply. But then as the first user I am unable to flag the reply of the second user as good answer, solution etc. How to correct this?

In my above reply, please ignore point 2 this problem no longer exists

to make it clear my current pending questions are:

1. when I create a new category I am now forced to select a private forum. Unless I select a private forum it is not letting me create a new category. I have set " can be private" NO and "force private" NO. But I am still forced to select a forum for private questions. I don't want any questions posted in a private forum. As a result, on the side bar on the home page there is an option for posting the question as a "private question". How do I remove this option to post private questions from the side bar form?

2. with VbAnswers installed when I click on New Thread and post a message in a forum the VBAnswers does not seem to work. VBanswers functionality works only when I post a new thread via the side bar form. If I post threads by the default new thread, I am not able to see the option for best answer, solution etc. Is this the way it should work?
1. when I create a new category I am now forced to select a private forum. Unless I select a private forum it is not letting me create a new category. I have set " can be private" NO and "force private" NO. But I am still forced to select a forum for private questions. I don't want any questions posted in a private forum. As a result, on the side bar on the home page there is an option for posting the question as a "private question". How do I remove this option to post private questions from the side bar form?
I believe this has been fixed, please try re-downloading the mod and re-uploading /dbtech/vbanswers/includes/class_dm_category.php

2. with VbAnswers installed when I click on New Thread and post a message in a forum the VBAnswers does not seem to work. VBanswers functionality works only when I post a new thread via the side bar form. If I post threads by the default new thread, I am not able to see the option for best answer, solution etc. Is this the way it should work?
This is indeed intended behaviour.
2. with VbAnswers installed when I click on New Thread and post a message in a forum the VBAnswers does not seem to work. VBanswers functionality works only when I post a new thread via the side bar form. If I post threads by the default new thread, I am not able to see the option for best answer, solution etc. Is this the way it should work?

Should you want to not allow members to post new threads in the forum you set up for vBAnswers, you can remove the Post New Thread button like so.

ACP / Plugins & Products / Add New Plugin

Product: vBulletin

Hook Location: forumdisplay_complete

Title: Hide Post New Thread In vBAnswers Forum

Execution Order: 5

Plugin PHP Code:

If you only have one forum for vBAnswers use this:
if ($foruminfo['forumid'] == [COLOR="#FF0000"]X[/COLOR]) $show['newthreadlink'] = 0;

If you have multiple forums for vBAnswers use this:
if (in_array($foruminfo['forumid'], array([COLOR="#FF0000"]X[/COLOR],[COLOR="#FF0000"]X[/COLOR],[COLOR="#FF0000"]X[/COLOR]))) $show['newthreadlink'] = 0;

Replacing X with your forum id's.

Then click on save.

I re-uploaded the file, but I am still forced to select a private forum for every new category. Please see the screenshots.
Screen Shot 2013-06-28 at 6.19.53 PM.webpScreen Shot 2013-06-28 at 6.20.02 PM.webpScreen Shot 2013-06-28 at 6.19.53 PM.webpScreen Shot 2013-06-28 at 6.20.02 PM.webp

You've not chosen anything for the "Forum" option. That has nothing to do with private forums, but rather what forum threads from that category get posted in.

This is a mandatory field, and intended as such.

The "Private Forum" dropdown can now be left on its default option as intended.
Thanks. I missed that. I am now able to create a category without having to select a private forum. But on the front end side bar form the private category option still appears (please see the screenshot). Is there some way to remove the private forum option on this form?Screen Shot 2013-06-28 at 7.50.46 PM.webp
The option is there because it's not known ahead of time whether any of the categories used are using the private forum box.

If you're sure you'll never use it, you can remove it from the template :)

There is no mail reminder going out to the original thread poster after X days after last reply. Is there any setting to activate this?

Make sure the Reminder cron job is running.

For the future, could you please post individual issues in their own threads? As this thread is marked as Answered, I don't get an alert when you raise a new issue in this thread :)
dbtech_vbanswers_block_form template - remove
				<br />
				<div class="smallfont">
					<input type="hidden" name="problem[private]" value="0" />
					{vb:rawphrase dbtech_vbanswers_private}: <input type="checkbox" name="problem[private]" value="1" /><br />
					<span class="description">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_vbanswers_private_descr}</span>
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