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[solved] Time format error in Spanish language

Does anyone know what files I need to modify to fix this?

If I have selected the Spanish language, date / time, only one "r".

url: Apple Maníacos
Captura de pantalla 2014-05-02 a la(s) 18.27.11.webp

with the English language, yes it looks good
Captura de pantalla 2014-05-02 a la(s) 18.27.26.webp

I thought it may come caused by milliseconds, but not sure

Version server: Linux: PHP 5.4.4, MySQL 5.5

I also have another problem, although I do not think that's related, I will publish another post

Thank you very much for your time
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I've found the solution.
If I remove the date format and local time "es_ES". display correctly.

I'll keep investigating, I need to have it configured so that the rest of the forum look good.
I've found the solution.
If I remove the date format and local time "es_ES". display correctly.

I'll keep investigating, I need to have it configured so that the rest of the forum look good.

Can you post what the format was that you had in your settings? I'll look at mimicking it on my developers site.
he format was that you had in your settings
this format is not good Classifieds, but yes the rest of the forum.

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-03 a la(s) 18.57.19.webp

I've left it temporarily to work

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-03 a la(s) 18.57.46.webp
Was this working for the rest of your site before you install Classifieds?

If you remove the language locale settings (es_ES) and leave the other older settings in place without the % symbol, it will set it identically.

I'm puzzled as to why you're getting this issue as we create dates the same way that it is done in the rest of vBulletin. :?
I had to change too.
- decimal separator
- thousands separator
One the other and vice versa
In Spain it is used upside down in UK and USA
It is necessary to change, otherwise a popup window will appear blank when you click on Bid Now.
It is assumed that error.

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-04 a la(s) 10.32.38.webp

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-04 a la(s) 10.39.24.webp
I've fixed the issue with the bidding so that it will now correct for any language settings. I'm still looking into the other issue with the clock coming out strange.
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