Legacy "Total files" statistic includes thumbnails and screenshots

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The "total files" statistic appears to be incorrect and counts screenshots as well as thumbnails when determining the total file number which results in an inaccurate portrayal of how many files are actually hosted:


The file count beside each category however does correctly list how many files are within each category (adding them together results in a much lower number than what the statistics show).

You can replicate this by adding a thumbnail image to any file which does not already have a thumbnail (it will increment the count by 1). This affects any page with the statistics block:

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This is not a bug, this is working as intended.

I will change this thread to a Feature Request so that it can be changed for a future version :)
Update: This will be implemented in v2.3.2, currently scheduled for release Monday the 4th :)
Is this change supposed to be retroactive? It still lists the file count as being at 200 but realistically we only have about 90 uploaded so far. I mentioned this previously but the file count statistic isn't lining up with the file count showing for the categories themselves, ex:


Basically what the statistic is saying is "we have 200 files here for download" but when a user gets in they only see 90. I can't imagine a screenshot or a thumbnail being considered a "file" in the sense of it being in a download area. The screenshots are for describing the file contents and shouldn't themselves be considered files. If I go to the file for the Fallout 2 High Resolution patch, that is one file that may have 10 screenshots showing what
Fallout 2 looks like in higher resolution. But it is only 1 file, not 11. There are downloads where I have uploaded pictures and not selected the "screenshot" option because they are in fact, files (things like wallpaper etc) and it makes sense to count them but it seems counter intuitive to consider every image uploaded to be a file (and contradicts the individual file counts listed on the category area). That is like walking into an ice cream parlour that says it has "over 300 flavours" but when you get to the counter they've only got 10 to choose from, the other 290 are brief written descriptions about what the 10 flavours available taste like.

tl;dr version:
Screenshots and thumbnails describe files and aren't files themselves and so shouldn't be counted in the overall file count, otherwise they give an inflated statistic of how many files are actually available and of interest.
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No, the change is not supposed to be retroactive. Next time the download is updated, it will re-calculate the file counter :)
When you say "the download" do you mean each individual file? Updated as in edit and save it? Upload new files? Or re-upload it completely? I've been messing about with it for a while but the counter doesn't appear to be changing.
I mean the "Edit File" link from the main download view, then saving it. It should, on the category list, re-calculate the correct number of non-thumbnail and non-screenshot files.

Image files are still counted, just not the ones that are flagged as Thumbnail or Screenshot.
I must be doing something wrong or I'm not understanding. I've tried doing that for a number of files but it doesn't appear to update the counter. I can give you a test account on the site if you'd like to see it live. This file is probably a good example of one with a lot of screenshots:

Vad's FO Save Game Editor

Editing/saving it doesn't lower the counter though:
Editors and utilities
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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