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New member
The fix provided in this post didn't work, so I need further help if possible.
When we want to adjust a member's credits ("BAF Cash" on our site), we:

  1. Go to ACP > DBTech - vBCredits > Recalculate User Accounts
  2. Entered the username in the User Name field, click 'Exact match'
  3. Adjust their BAF Cash total in the 'BAF Cash' field
  4. Click 'Update User' button
But nothing changes. It used to work before the most recent upgrade. We tried above mentioned fix, but no go. What else can we try?
It's a feature that we use often, and need to have working again soon as possible. :)
Further thought.... if the above issue isn't easily fixable, can we roll back to the previous version without harming anything?
Please do not ever downgrade on anything. That will cause so many conflicts and be very painful to correct :)

Do you get any errors? Are you editing yourself or someone else? Are you clicking into the transactions for that user or staying on the mass-adjust screen?
Ah, some great questions!

Do you get any errors? - No
Are you editing yourself or someone else? - Myself
Are you clicking into the transactions for that user or staying on the mass-adjust screen? - staying on the mass-adjust screen.​

So I've just now tried editing someone else, and clicked through to that user's transactions, and it worked. :D
I'll pass this on to the owner, and will report back with the outcome.

To be sure, not being able to update yourself from the mass-update screen would be a bug, but at least if you only wanted to edit individuals, it should work if you click into their transaction screen right now.
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

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