Bug Unable to Remove Fee & Featured Fee Problem

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Two part problem;
I am testing the featured fee as I would like to charge a percentage to users to feature their item.

1) When I try to remove the fee I get this error and unable to remove it. remove fee.webp

2) When I have the feature fee active there is no option to choose if it is a featured item when adding a listing.
2a) It would be nice to have the ability for a user to edit their listing and add "featured" if they decide to get it more exposure if it doesn't sell for example. This doesn't seem possible at this point and may be related to same bug if it is indeed a bug.
I'll look into the first bug... I believe the second point we'll need to take a look at as IIRC I set it up so that you could only feature the listing at the beginning. At the very least we could do with an option to request featuring of the item later... :)
Fee deletion is fixed for RC2... now to look into the Featured items issue.

Did you make sure that the featured option is set to be displayed in the Manage Forms bit?
In RC2 there is now an option to feature your listing when viewing it on the view listing page.
I just wondered something about this... you've got the Administrators usergroup setup to allow only one featured listing at a time... since I can feature a listing with my account because I don't have any listings already featured... my suggestion is that you might need to increase that limit and see if you can then feature listings again... ;)
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