Question Unconfirmed Donations and Custom Amount

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Are the pending/unconfirmed donations found at the bottom part of donation drive page visible to everyone or just the admins?

And is it possible to disable the custom amount option so members will only be able to donate predefined amounts?
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Unconfirmed donations will only show up to the person who made the donation, they will not show up in the front-end even to admins at this time.

Custom amount option will only show up if there's no predefined donation amounts configured in the AdminCP.
On our end custom amount option still shows even with predefined donation amounts set. Our members were able to donate custom amounts successfully. Could you confirm this on your end.

We're hoping there's an on/off toggle switch to disable or enable custom amount option per donation drive. And the the predefined amount should be per donation drive as well since not all all donation drives have similar circumstances. These options add flexibility. Each donation drive could then be used as subscription or payment gateway with its own predefined amounts.
Sorry for missing this.

I will implement an option to disable custom amounts per drive, but in the meantime, you can edit dbtech_donate_donate and add an xf:if condition around this block:
                        <xf:option value="custom" selected="{$customAmount}" label="{{ phrase('dbtech_donate_custom_amount') }}" data-hide="true">
                                <div class="inputGroup">
                                    <xf:numberbox name="amount" min="{$xf.options.dbtechDonateMinimumDonationAmount}" step="any" max="9999999999.99"
                                                     label="{{ phrase('dbtech_donate_amount') }}" />
                                    <span class="inputGroup-splitter"></span>
                                    <xf:select label="{{ phrase('dbtech_donate_currency') }}" name="currency_id">
                                        <xf:options source="{$'DBTech\Donate:Currency').getAvailableCurrencies()}" />
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DragonByte Donate

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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