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I Just upgraded from vb3 to vb4 I was using vBCredits 1.4 The Ultimate Points System by Darkwaltz4 [] enables users to gain Credits in many ways, and spend them in many third party applications.

Can i upgrade this product with VBCredits II The old website linked to vbcredits is no longer active. Was not sure if this is the same product?

I also have vBCredit$ 1.1An addon for vBCredits by Darkwaltz4 [] that enables users to purchase credits with actual money via subscriptions or PayPal.
Is this available with VBCII

Hi Ryan,

I developed the original vBCredits as well as the new vBCredits II. The old site was disbanded after some disputes with my business partner, but that was awhile ago.

You can upgrade to vBCredits II, which is the current supported version, but only the amounts users have will be kept (you need to reconfigure award amounts etc).

The paypal-purchasing functionality is folded into the Pro version of vBCredits II now, and the old addon will not work with it.
Ok excellent. I will definitely be buying this. 2nd question I used ishop on vb3 to sell items that were placed below members posts and above there sig. I assume your shop will not convert / carry over this mods settings and such BUT can it so the same thing? allow users to buy images with their money for their postbit?

Thank You
There's currently no importer from iShop available for vBShop, and yes it can sell those kind of items as well as items that affect user accounts.

For a full list of available features you can look at the product page: vBShop
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