Bug User Styling Bug

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There's a bug causing the user title styling item to apply multiple times. The bug can be reproduced by saving the settings on a user's "edit profile" page without making any changes. Done multiple times, this can cause the user title field to overflow like this:


We suspect the backend is applying the styling to the already styled user titles.
I'll look into this and get back to you when I have more information or if I need further assistance reproducing this :)
I've added a potential hotfix for this to /dbtech/vbshop/items/usertitlestyle.php in v3.2.1pl1. Could you please re-download and re-upload that file and let me know if this resolves the issue? You'll need to set the user title from scratch, possibly in the AdminCP, but once that's done it should work :)
The hotfix works, thanks for getting that out so fast, and sorry for the late reply - we've only just managed to get the patch onto the site.

Speaking of bugs, one of our developers on our site noticed two bugs with the bump item and managed to fix them. If you want the code I am more than happy to put you in contact with him.
CameronNP any luck getting the information from your developers yet? Thanks :)

Hey, I'd completely forgotten about this lol. I should be in contact with our Dev team for a meeting tonight, I'll get them to give me the code and post here when I have it.
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