I imported 370,000k in thanks last night from Abes mod Took a long time but they all appear to be on your thanks table now. When it stopped importing it gave me this error...
During the import I noticed that all my users had been turned to guest. Everything form the postbit was gone. The only thing rendering was your other status mod I have installed but it wasnt even pulling its data from the DB.
I didnt dare touch anything at the time because the thanks table was still happy growling minute by minute, I figured I'd let it finish and repair the damage later LOL. So after the import finished (or appeared to, still got that DB error at the tend). I went into the plug ins and disabled it and my postbits returned to normal, which I figured they would becuase the users info was still in the DB and in profiles, just isnt being called to the postbit. ANY of it, not signatures, nothing but user name, guest title, post content.
I tried disabling some of the other mods that affect the postbit then turning it back on in between, it was a no go. ugh
List of my installed mods
CES Parser Permissions 2.2.3 Usergroup-based permissions for parsing of HTML/BB-code/etc.
Digital Point Spy 1.0 System To Show What's Going On In The Forum
DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) 1.1.2 Advanced Post Thanks / Like lets members quickly voice their opinion on a post.
DragonByte Tech: User Status & Moods 1.3.6 Adds Facebook like status updates to your profile, and allows user to select a "mood".
EWT - Thread Description 2.0 Adds a description to threads and adds a separate column for thread author. - Convert to VBB4x by tieuquynhi
Extended reputation display 4.1.0 Extends the reputation display system.
Global Threads VB4 2.0 Allows you to display "global" threads. (The same thread in every forum.)
Hasann - Sub-Forum Manager 4.0.1 Sub-Forum Manager by Hasann
ibProArcade for vBulletin 2.7.0 ibProArcade - professional Arcade System for vBulletin
MGC chatbox Evo 3.0.0 Fully remade MGC Chatbox
Move smilies below textarea 1.4 Using CSS only, this moves the smilies to below the text area when posting
PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate' 4.0.110 This product extends 'Quick Reply' functionality to allow all "Advanced Editor" options [ All Built-In BBCodes / Attachments / Smilies / Management ], (threads, blogs, social groups, albums, visitor messages, private messages) [customizable].
Prevent Double Posts 4.1.0 Prevents double posting by merging posts.
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 4.0.1 Separate Sticky and Normal Threads
vBulletin Blog 4.1.1 Personal web log, integrated with vBulletin.
vBulletin CMS 4.1.1 Content Management System
VSa - (De)Bump Threads 1.2 VSa - (De)Bump Threads
VSa - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 5.1 VSa - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count
VSa - Visitors in Last X Hours 3.0.4 VSa - Visitors in Last X Hours
Since my board is a new re-build, I havent added any template modifications not related to this list.
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.1:
Invalid SQL:
entry.userid AS sentuserid,
post.userid AS receiveduserid
FROM `vb3_dbtech_thanks_entry` AS entry
LEFT JOIN vb3_post AS post ON(post.postid = entry.contentid)
WHERE entryid >= 0
LIMIT 250;
MySQL Error : Column 'entryid' in field list is ambiguous
Error Number : 1052
Request Date : Tuesday, February 1st 2011 @ 01:43:07 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, February 1st 2011 @ 01:43:07 AM
Script : ***************/thanks.php?do=finalise&version=111
Referrer : ***************/thanksimport.php?do=doimport&startat=371163&pp=25
IP Address : ************
Username : ************
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community
During the import I noticed that all my users had been turned to guest. Everything form the postbit was gone. The only thing rendering was your other status mod I have installed but it wasnt even pulling its data from the DB.
I didnt dare touch anything at the time because the thanks table was still happy growling minute by minute, I figured I'd let it finish and repair the damage later LOL. So after the import finished (or appeared to, still got that DB error at the tend). I went into the plug ins and disabled it and my postbits returned to normal, which I figured they would becuase the users info was still in the DB and in profiles, just isnt being called to the postbit. ANY of it, not signatures, nothing but user name, guest title, post content.
I tried disabling some of the other mods that affect the postbit then turning it back on in between, it was a no go. ugh
List of my installed mods
CES Parser Permissions 2.2.3 Usergroup-based permissions for parsing of HTML/BB-code/etc.
Digital Point Spy 1.0 System To Show What's Going On In The Forum
DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) 1.1.2 Advanced Post Thanks / Like lets members quickly voice their opinion on a post.
DragonByte Tech: User Status & Moods 1.3.6 Adds Facebook like status updates to your profile, and allows user to select a "mood".
EWT - Thread Description 2.0 Adds a description to threads and adds a separate column for thread author. - Convert to VBB4x by tieuquynhi
Extended reputation display 4.1.0 Extends the reputation display system.
Global Threads VB4 2.0 Allows you to display "global" threads. (The same thread in every forum.)
Hasann - Sub-Forum Manager 4.0.1 Sub-Forum Manager by Hasann
ibProArcade for vBulletin 2.7.0 ibProArcade - professional Arcade System for vBulletin
MGC chatbox Evo 3.0.0 Fully remade MGC Chatbox
Move smilies below textarea 1.4 Using CSS only, this moves the smilies to below the text area when posting
PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate' 4.0.110 This product extends 'Quick Reply' functionality to allow all "Advanced Editor" options [ All Built-In BBCodes / Attachments / Smilies / Management ], (threads, blogs, social groups, albums, visitor messages, private messages) [customizable].
Prevent Double Posts 4.1.0 Prevents double posting by merging posts.
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 4.0.1 Separate Sticky and Normal Threads
vBulletin Blog 4.1.1 Personal web log, integrated with vBulletin.
vBulletin CMS 4.1.1 Content Management System
VSa - (De)Bump Threads 1.2 VSa - (De)Bump Threads
VSa - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 5.1 VSa - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count
VSa - Visitors in Last X Hours 3.0.4 VSa - Visitors in Last X Hours
Since my board is a new re-build, I havent added any template modifications not related to this list.
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