One of my members posted this error he got when he logged in 
Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vboptimise/includes/class_vboptimise.php on line 688
I am on 2.6.0b4 version: (your form will not let me post the b4 on the end).
LINE 688:
$scripts[$key] = array_pop(explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $value)));
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DigitalWorldz Technology Forum - Satellite, television, consoles, community

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vboptimise/includes/class_vboptimise.php on line 688
I am on 2.6.0b4 version: (your form will not let me post the b4 on the end).
protected static function runtime_scripts()
static $scripts = false;
if (!$scripts)
$scripts = @get_included_files();
if (!is_array($scripts))
$scripts = array();
foreach ($scripts as $key => $value)
$scripts[$key] = array_pop(explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $value)));
return $scripts;
LINE 688:
$scripts[$key] = array_pop(explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $value)));
Please see this page if you are a guest
DigitalWorldz Technology Forum - Satellite, television, consoles, community
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