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I am having issues with vbcredit events not being completed and accounts not being credited. I have several actions in third party mods that i have created. For the most part they work, but the odd time the transaction gets lost in cyberspace. I am also using several default vbcredits actions which experience this also.
I have the actions setup so that different usergroups will receive different amounts for completing the same action. For instance with the referral action, i have 5 events setup that pertain to one seperate usergroup each and they each award a different amount.

ei. events;
referral - registered user - awards 10
referral - usergroup 2 - awards 20
referral - usergroup 3 - awards 30
referral - usergroup 4 - awards 40
referral - usergroup 5 - awards 50

those arent my exact usergroups, that is just an example.
Now should i have this set up in this manner. It seems like the events are conflicting with each other. I also have transactions set up to process in real time and i use the "process tranactions" button in Maintenance> update counters whenever i am testing.
On a side note, i have never been able to get the referral action to work on any account or event.
I also noticed that under "plugins and products"-> "manage procucts" there is not longer a product for vbulletin actionset. I noticed this after i installed version 2.0.0. I couldnt find one in the files i downloaded for the upgrade. Is the actionset now included or do i need this xml.
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after further testing. It seems as tho the actions i have created are being completed sometimes and the vbcredits actions are not being completed ever.
I have completely uninstalled vbcredits 2.0 and then re-uploaded all files, then re-installed the xml. Now credit actions seem to all be working and processing quickly. I will continue testing and report back.
Not a problem. Everything is working 100% now. Im assuming something went wrong with the upgrade to 2.0.0.
The previous versions might have been wasting time storing actions to process that you didnt set up any events for, leading to the system clogging up. The upgrade should have cleared those out, but perhaps they were still left over somehow here. Let me know if you need help with anything else.
Oh ok.
Now should I have all actions im not using dissabled. Will this make the system more efficient?
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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