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First and for most thanks for working on this as this is a crucial part of a forums popularity as I have had in the past on my PHPNuke websites the download manager was very popular and it was very robust which is what I would like to see happen with this vBulletin mod for it to have wonderful features that owners and members will love using and DragonByte Team does a great job making this show a lot of member participation information!

My issues so far...
Other then the Ajax advertising issue at footer of vbdownloads I noticed my category icons are not showing after I updated to the Beta...

I like the new feature showing someone's previous additions but like for my site with a fixed theme and with the side block maybe offer to have users previous additions at the footer or a new link... Or I can just open my fixed theme a bit more not that big a issue...

I am not sure if you added a way to just add the download link? I think that is more important for me just to add the link as I have said before I upload files through FTP to the server and want to just put the link in the download and not upload through the vbdownload manager... I know the idea here with downloads is to promote community effort and I still want that to stay the same...

The side block isn't properly wrapped with the website theme colors as the forums blocks are...
Can you please post screenshots of these issues? It's a bit hard to debug visual issues without any visuals to go along with it ;)

If you check vBDownloads here on DBTech in the MMO or Mielo style you'll see it does indeed work with custom styles, if it doesn't for you then it may be an issue with your skin not using the correct CSS.

The parts of your post that deal with feature suggestions is another topic for another thread :)
Sorry I keep forgetting we are wearing different glasses! :p

Anyways thought to show you the squishy mess mine has with the theme but like I said I can open my fixed theme up a bit more to accommodate

Also too I wished I could show you the Downloader I used many years ago with my Nuke site... There was a way to show Featured downloads and add banners to the download sections...

Also too add Youtube video's or any video with images and descriptions of the downloads!

I really don't care about how well you can scramble the downloads link up but would rather there be a button and not show the link unless I wanted it to show! I mean like if there is a way to just show the download button for the Mirrors like mirror one and two and so on?? How about even setting it up to show Region mirrors?? I don't mind filling out information for downloads and love to have as much information to dress up the download as possible! I know you can make a generic button but going back to the old PHPNuke advanced download Module they had themed Download buttons or generic colors but would be nice to either make a few different colors or try to get the community here to share their button colors... I know I would love to participate a bit myself...

I have always admired fileplanet and CNet's download sections! Would be nice to have review sections added as well! Maybe also forum discussion links and the website of where or what the downloads where from....

Which brings me to another influential download place is MODDB they have a nice setup as well...

Just some ideas and maybe make what your doing a bit more fun!
I'll look into whether I can adjust the screenshot display to work better with very constricted skins :)

As for the sidebar, did your skin dev have to do something specific in order to get it working with the vBulletin sidebar? You may wish to contact them and ask if there's anything I can do to make my mod compatible with their skins. Let me know what they respond with :)
Not sure what happened but after my last post seems my home IP cannot connect to DragonByte?? I am using my server for now... Tried IE and Chrome will not connect... Maybe it got banned from the system Server? There is no anything when I try to connect from home now... Tried clearing my cache too... Could be the new Java update??
Apologies for that, you got caught in an anti-spam filter. Usually I'm more on the ball with catching false positives but I was slow tonight. You won't be caught again, that rule has been disabled :)
Yeah the site went nuts on my last post! lol Thought I was being targeted! :p

Anyways I contacted the theme host put in a ticket in regards and supplied them with your contact information... I am sure he will oblige!
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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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