vBShop v3.0.0 Gold + Lite Released

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

After a very successful Beta period where a huge amount of new item types requested by you guys was added, as well as other features, we're proud to open vBShop v3 up for our Lite users as well.

Those who already use Beta 3 don't need to upgrade, as there's no changes from Beta 3 to Gold (except for a version number change :p).

Below is a complete feature list since v2.2.5.

vBShop v3.0.0 Gold

New Item Type: Sticky Thread
  • Allows users to sticky a thread of their choice
  • Configuration takes a thread ID that will be stickied
  • Users cannot sticky already stickied threads
  • Sticky status gets deactivated when the item expires, is deactivated or discarded
  • (Pro) Forums can be excluded from having their threads sticky-able

Item Type: Fire Moderator
  • Allows users to demote a forum moderator (not Super Moderator) from their position and remove their moderator permissions for a selected forum
  • Admins can choose what moderator(s) in what forum(s) are fire-able
  • Admins can choose to let a re-configured, expired or deactivated item "un-fire" a moderator, restoring their permissions
  • Users select a moderator from the list of available moderators to fire
  • Uses vBulletin data managers for maximum compatibility with 3rd party mods

Item Type: Forum Password
  • Allows users to buy the password for select forum(s)
  • Admins can choose one or more forums that are password protected to be given to users when buying the item
  • Passwords for forums purchased are displayed on the item's "Configure" page
  • Configure page updates if the password changes

Item Type: Post Style
  • Allows users to configure font colour and effects to be used on their posts
  • Admins can enable Bold, Italic, Underline, Colour, Glow and Shadow to be configurable by the user when configuring this item
  • Users can configure any of the above that the admin has allowed
  • Works the same way as the User Title Style and Username Style items

Item Type: Upload Smilie
  • Allows users to upload a smilie and choose its replacement text
  • Admins can configure the size limitations of user uploaded smilie images via a vBulletin Options setting
  • Users can choose title, replacement text, upload an image either via URL or via local upload and choose smilie category
  • Fully integrated into the Smilie Manager in the AdminCP and uses DataManagers for maximum 3rd party modification compatibility

Item Type: Create Smilie Category
  • Allows users to create a new Smilie Category that they can use for their custom smilie uploads or be used by Admins for existing smilies
  • Users can configure the title of the Smilie Category
  • Fully integrated into the Smilie Category manager in the ACP and uses vBulletin's rebuild cache functions for maximum compatibility

Item Type: Thread Title Style
  • Allows users to configure font colour and effects to be used on thread titles in the "Forum Display" thread list
  • Admins can enable Bold, Italic, Underline, Colour, Glow and Shadow to be configurable by the user when configuring this item
  • Users can configure any of the above that the admin has allowed
  • Works the same way as the User Title Style and Username Style items

(Pro) Item Type: Avatar Change
  • Allows users to buy a single instance of avatar change
  • Requires vBulletin Options override enabled
  • Supports usergroups exempt from the "No Change" override
  • Implements its limits / permissions on vBulletin's Edit Avatar page for maximum compatibility with 3rd party mods
  • Non-reconfigurable items get deleted upon avatar change

(Pro) New Item Type: Profile Music
  • Allows users to add a music player to their profile with an MP3 track of their choice
  • Configuration takes a URL to an MP3 file
  • Profile sideblock plays the MP3 with the Dewplayer flash player
  • Music does not auto-play, clicking the Play button is required

(Pro) Item Type: Delete Thread
  • Allows users to soft delete a thread of their choosing
  • Admins can choose one or more forums that are excluded from having their threads soft deleted
  • Disabled or expired items restores the thread
  • Uses vBulletin data managers and functions to delete and undelete threads for maximum compatibility with 3rd party mods

(Pro) Item Type: Change Forum Description
  • Allows users to change the description of a forum of their choosing
  • Admins can choose one or more forums that are excluded from having their descriptions changed
  • Admins can choose to allow or disallow items that can be re-configured from having their forums changed. Allowing forum change would mean someone could change the descriptions of ALL non-excluded forums.
  • Uses vBulletin data managers and functions to delete and undelete threads for maximum compatibility with 3rd party mods

(Pro) Item Type: Signature Change
  • Allows users to buy a single instance of signature change
  • Requires vBulletin Options override enabled
  • Supports usergroups exempt from the "No Change" override
  • Implements its limits / permissions on vBulletin's Edit Signature page for maximum compatibility with 3rd party mods
  • Non-reconfigurable items get deleted upon signature change

(Pro) Item Type: Ban User From Thread
  • Allows users to ban a user of their choosing from a thread of their choosing
  • Admins can choose one or more forums that are excluded from having their threads bannable
  • Admins can choose one or more usergroups that are excluded from being bannable
  • Hides the thread from the "Forum Display" list
  • Visiting a "banned thread" via the URL in a "You have been banned from this thread!" message.

(Pro) Item Type: Username Style (Pre-Defined)
  • Allows users to purchase a pre-defined Username Style
  • Admins can configure any combination of Bold, Italic, Underline, Colour, Glow, Shadow
  • Works in the same way as the user-configurable item, except users can't configure this item

(Pro) Item Type: User Title Style (Pre-Defined)
  • Allows users to purchase a pre-defined User Title Style
  • Admins can configure any combination of Bold, Italic, Underline, Colour, Glow, Shadow
  • Works in the same way as the user-configurable item, except users can't configure this item

(Pro) Item Type: User Title Change (Pre-Defined)
  • Allows users to purchase a pre-defined User Title
  • Admins can configure the user title the user will be purchasing
  • Works in the same way as the user-configurable item, except users can't configure this item

(Pro) AdminCP Inventory Management
  • Admins can search through a user's inventory and delete items from their inventory
  • Search parameters / filters include items per page, user name (optional), sorting and an optional item filter
  • Items can be added to a specific user's inventory
  • Items will default to inactive and unconfigured, so users can configure and activate them
  • Items can also be mass added to either all user groups, or users who are a member of a specific usergroup

(Pro) Item Type: Create Forum
  • Allows users to create a new forum that is ready to accept new posts
  • Admins can configure what forum(s) are excluded from getting sub-forums via this item
  • Users can configure forum title, description and parent ID from the list of allowed forums
  • Uses the defaults found in vBulletin's forum manager to create first-time options, admin configurable via the Forum Manager
  • Uses vBulletin DataManager for maximum compatibility with 3rd party mods

(Pro) Item Type: Moderate Forum
  • Allows users to become a moderator in an admin-defined forum
  • Admins can configure the forum that buyers will become a moderator of, and also the same moderator permissions as are available in vBulletin's moderator management interface
  • When the item expires, moderator powers get taken away
  • Uses vBulletin DataManager for maximum possible compatibility with 3rd party mods

(Pro) Item Type: Post Style (Pre-Defined)
  • Allows users to purchase a pre-defined Post Style
  • Admins can configure any combination of Bold, Italic, Underline, Colour, Glow, Shadow
  • Works in the same way as the user-configurable item, except users can't configure this item

(Pro) Item Type: Thread Title Style (Pre-Defined)
  • Allows users to purchase a pre-defined Thread Title Style
  • Admins can configure any combination of Bold, Italic, Underline, Colour, Glow, Shadow
  • Works in the same way as the user-configurable item, except users can't configure this item

Shop Management
  • Admins and User Shop owners can set another person as "Benficiary" of the shop to receive a percentage 0-100 of the proceeds
  • Can be same as shop owner, none (extra money vanishes into thin air) or another userId
  • Amounts can be split in any amount of 0-100%

Shops / Items General
  • Front-end: Shop list does not display if only one shop is active
  • Front-end: Item list can now have more or less than 5 items per line depending on the skin
  • Items have an AdminCP toggle to force it to not be displayed in the postbit. Purchased items are forcibly set to Hidden and cannot be un-hidden.
  • Items with the Item Type "Usergroup Permissions (Yes / No)" or "Usergroup Permissions (Values)" can now override up to 5 permissions each.
  • (Pro) Custom items now displays icons from a separate folder from admin-created items

General / Other
  • The bank balance of each currency can optionally be displayed in the postbit. Toggled by a vBOption setting.
  • The profile tab can be disabled via a vBOption setting.
  • The Purchase Notification PM now lists the quantity of items purchased
  • All PMs sent by this mod now displays the forum signature
  • Item display in the postbit now shows gift giver and gift message if any were entered, where applicable
  • All "Yes / No / Default" usergroup permission selectors now have vB-style "All Yes / All No / All Default" buttons
  • Items now have a toggle for Active. Items flagged as inactive are automatically disabled from the inventories of any member who purchased it while it was active.

Thank you for your continued support :)

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