Mike Fara

This was your biggest achievement, whether the money reflects it or not. At the time it was released, this was easily the best modification for vBulletin. I've had the lifetime subscription for this and no updates in ages. It's not even listed on the navbar.

What happened? But more importantly, my suggestion is to put more resources into it. In its current state, it would be a bit pointless to use this on a 4.1.4 board. That is a constructive criticism, because I believe this was your best product. Customers waiting for an update for this product seem to be royally screwed. :eek:
This was your biggest achievement, whether the money reflects it or not. At the time it was released, this was easily the best modification for vBulletin. I've had the lifetime subscription for this and no updates in ages. It's not even listed on the navbar.

What happened? But more importantly, my suggestion is to put more resources into it. In its current state, it would be a bit pointless to use this on a 4.1.4 board. That is a constructive criticism, because I believe this was your best product. Customers waiting for an update for this product seem to be royally screwed. :eek:

What is it that you think it can do to help? Meaning, what is lacking on your forum now in speed that you feel vBO can fix? Are there new optimizations that could be done, that aren't? I'm asking just because I have no idea, but overall, using things like Memcache, etc... once done, are kinda done. I wouldn't call customers "screwed" because, it's lifetime and if/when things can and are done, you'll get it.
Agreed with Trekkan, the product is already fully featured and the best product in vb optimization in the market, if this addon works well on vb 4.1.4, i can't understand this complain.
With an optimisation mod it is absolutely vital NOT to have a bunch of extra features that don't do much - it's completely against the nature of the mod.

There hasn't been updates because there are no significant ways it could be made better just now.

P.S It's not listed in the Nav Bar because that only has the links products will add when installed - e.g clicking vbshop takes you to that actual page for vbshop, not a product page etc. vBOptimise doesn't HAVE any front end forum page to link to =)

This was your biggest achievement, whether the money reflects it or not. At the time it was released, this was easily the best modification for vBulletin. I've had the lifetime subscription for this and no updates in ages. It's not even listed on the navbar.

What happened? But more importantly, my suggestion is to put more resources into it. In its current state, it would be a bit pointless to use this on a 4.1.4 board. That is a constructive criticism, because I believe this was your best product. Customers waiting for an update for this product seem to be royally screwed. :eek:

Why would this be pointless to run on a 4.1.4 board?

Is their some area you have seen that does not benefit from vBOptimize?

If so where and how have you discovered this?

If you read here their is some updates being tested http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/threads/1722-vB-Optimise-Pro-v3-Beta-testers-wanted!

But it is still being tested, as with this type of Modification, DBT wants to be totally sure it does not cause any issues to the sites, since it is such a important tool.
vBulletin's built in cache is doing a lot of the work.

How will the product work with the new features that were incorporated into versions since?

In 4.1.5, there have been XHTML, CSS, template, query, and function improvements. This is over 100 fixes of known bugs. This is a concern that vBOptimise may not be needed. Specifically there have been fixes for online.php and a number of other template cache issues using vBulletin's internal cache.

I never thought vBOptimise is bad, in fact, I just wrote an enormous reply, only to get timed out (forgot you guys don't have auto-save here yet)

VBSEO also has MaxCDN integration. Will you work to provide compatibility for both?

I like the idea of V3. What about people who use nginx/lighthttp or LiteSpeed? These use a pre-cache system. Does Optimise still have an effect?

The stated lack of compatibility with 3rd party products is a concern. I often find myself integrating different products that are made freely available, purchased (hey -- VBOptimise is one of them), and of my own design. I even improve upon existing products when I can.

I am on the vBulletin testing team as well as VBSEO. This product occasionally stalls on my installation, whether with apache or LiteSpeed, and I think it may be due to compatibility problems with vBAdvanced, although I'm not sure. After some time of running the product, a white page is served up, either blank, or indicating that memcache utilized all available memory. This is unlikely NOT to be a bug, since I'm using a server with 24GB of DDR3 that has one big board on it.

I think you need to check out what is going on with the cache system that is pre-built into newer web servers that aim to replace apache. Does running vBOptimise under those conditions actually slow things down?

Overall I never meant to say it is a worthless product - however I remember a time where this thing saved my website when I had limited memory and resources. Administratively, my team is kind of creeped out to run it - since the white page issue made us come to a conclusion it either couldn't clear out the cache automatically, or something was wrong with a memory leak. Could be due to any component in the product, but who knows where. Under today's circumstances, with all options on, I am wondering if it would really save resources for my site. I am basically pre-caching my entire site into memory already with LiteSpeed. For most people running a basic board, this product will be great, however. I am running tons of mods and often times it is the goal of a publisher to make their site unique with both content and features. After all, vBulletin is an abundant system and used everywhere. Seeing stock vBulletins everywhere is kind of like seeing a million Facebook clones -- after awhile, some tinkering is needed.

I hope I have expressed my interest. I would never have written this, as it takes a lot of time to do so. I am constantly busy with other things, and I like the product so much that I wanted to bring this up. I hope you will look into further VBSEO cross-compatibility with the CDN feature in the next version, as well as universal support for the hooks system. This is your best product, as far as I am concerned. I was surprised to see a V3 in the works.
The current Beta of vBOptimise has support for various CDN services at the moment. If there are new-version specific features in VB that vBOptimise could use it is something we will look into over time - forcing every one of our clients to upgrade vB because we changed how things work to get the most benefit from 4.1.4 or 4.1.5 isn't something most of our customers would find acceptable.

As far as whether or not it is necessary - that will depend on the set up of the site, server and vB installation/settings, it's not something we can guarantee.

As far as compatibility with other modification goes, it is not prudent for us to go messing with the operation of vBO to deal with issues introduced by other mods. The majority of our customers do not use those extra modifications and making changes which will negatively affect the operation of vBO for those people is not a direction we wish to go, nor is it a fair one for those customers.

If we start making changes for compatibility with other modifications it means we need to keep updating our product whenever they make a change in theirs, it also means people will expect us to add more and more compatibility with other mods with all the associated issues and before long the product is significantly less effective because more and more changes have to be made to provide that compatibility.

I hope that answers your questions suitably - your feedback is appreciated.


Hmm just read that again and it could have come across as somewhat harsh.

I just wanted to assure you it was not intentional and what i was trying to convey in my post is that with vBO we are between a rock and a hard place - any optimisation mod updates require a ton of careful forethought and planning, and the majority of the sites running it do not run other mods.

This also makes it tricky when it comes to changing functionality with new vB versions - while we will always ensure it WORKS with new vB versions, we can't change things in such a way that the mod would become unstable or unsuitable for boards still running somewhat older versions of vBulletin - too many of our vBO customers are large companies and sites with hundreds of thousands of members who rarely, if ever, update their vB versions without an extremely good reason to.

As a general rule with vBO we try to avoid doing anything which could negatively impact our customers, and yes this can sometimes occur at the expense of people who want to maximise gains. This has always been the case though, from supporting multiple cache systems instead of optimising the mod for one particular type all the way through to doing the same thing with CDNs.

Hopefully that clears it up a little better :P

I hope you'll consider including varnish and similar caching systems (reverse proxy) to work with vBO. This is something that would work differently from caching as it is employed right now, a new layer of caching. Everyone will have benefits from this.