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Hi Saucerfoot,

Please understand that we do not provide support via the shoutbox. If you would like an issue answered, your best bet is to make a post about it.

Hey staff

i did make a post right here

and no 1 is answering it for me at all

Perhaps it is because no one who can answer it is online atm.

You have a funny view of things. The problem you have is not a bug or techinical problem. It's simply down to you not liking the prices. If you don't like the prices/can't afford them, then do without. The coders make a living off these products, and in most countries, the price they are placing the pro versions of the mods available for doesn't reflect the high quality of work in the development.
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Legacy Post Templates

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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