Hey all,
We're releasing DragonByte Shop v4.0.0 Beta 13 for XenForo in order to implement new functionality requested by the community.
If you like the product you can show your support by reviewing it here: [DBTech] DragonByte Shop | xenForo Community.
Complete Change Log
DragonByte Shop v4.0.0 Beta 13
New Features:
Item Type: Profile Music
Item Type: Sticky Thread
Item Type: Move Thread
Item Type: Moderate Forum
Item Type: Fire A Moderator
Criteria: "User has sold at least X items"
Shop Filters
Changed Features:
Bug Fixes:
As always, thank you for your continued support
Discuss this news here.
We're releasing DragonByte Shop v4.0.0 Beta 13 for XenForo in order to implement new functionality requested by the community.
If you like the product you can show your support by reviewing it here: [DBTech] DragonByte Shop | xenForo Community.
Complete Change Log
DragonByte Shop v4.0.0 Beta 13
New Features:
Item Type: Profile Music
- Members can buy the ability to have a MP3 of their choice playing on their profile
- Uses externally hosted MP3 files, user is responsible for hosting their own MP3s
- Uses HTML5 player
- Supports Autoplay (global forum setting)
Item Type: Sticky Thread
- Members can buy the ability to sticky a thread
- Can be optionally configured to only allow them to sticky their own threads
Item Type: Move Thread
- Members can buy the ability to move a thread to a different forum
- Can be optionally configured to exclude certain forums from the target forum options
Item Type: Moderate Forum
- Members can buy the ability to moderate a forum
- The moderator permissions given, as well as the forum it applies to, is configured by the administrator
Item Type: Fire A Moderator
- Members can buy the ability to fire moderators
- Which moderator(s) can be fired is configured by the admin
- Optionally allow "un-firing" (re-adding) a moderator when the item expires or is discarded - restores their old permissions
Criteria: "User has sold at least X items"
- If the user owns a custom shop, their sales statistics are used here
Shop Filters
- Sort by default (display order), Popularity (items sold), Title (alphabetical) or Price
- Order in ascending or descending order
- Filter items that uses specific currencies
- Filter by item type
Changed Features:
- The "User Has Purchased Item" criteria now lets you only include items globally active, and/or only active in the user’s inventory
- The "Thread Ban" item type now has a new option: Only Own, restricts members to banning members from their own thread
- A "Buy Ticket" link has been added to the lottery list, if there’s an upcoming draw
Bug Fixes:
- Certain item types could produce an error after saving configuration, meaning the item could not be configured correctly
- In certain scenarios it was possible for user group permission checking to not work as expected
As always, thank you for your continued support

Discuss this news here.